It was a Tale as Old as Time... {Pt 3}

Start from the beginning

"Hey," I rested my hand against her shoulder, rubbing my thumb along her skin. "You're brother's safe, ok? It's going to be ok."

"I know he's going to be," She wiped at the corners of her eyes. "I just can't help but think of what could have happened, you know?"

"You're going to drive yourself crazy thinking about the what if's. All that matters is he's coming home and you'll see him soon enough." I heard Y/N chuckle slightly as she continued to wipe at her eyes.

"One thing's for sure is that he's going to have hell to pay when he get's back."

(Back to you)

You woke up the next morning, the sun shining brightly in your eyes. You groaned as you covered your eyes with your arm. Whoever was a morning person wasn't normal, they had to be some type of alien lifeform.

Glancing at the clock, you saw that it was almost 9 in the morning. Shit, Jakob said he was going to be here in the morning! You had to look halfway decent for when your brother came home!

You went to stand up from the couch, but an arm around your waist tightened it's grip and pulled you back. What the hell? It was now that you noticed you were against something solid and warm, unlike the cool, soft material of your couch. You glanced up and saw Mark's head a few inches above yours. His head was propped up on his forearm as his arm was around your waist. Well, to say this was awkward would be the understatement of the year.

As you went to nudge MarK, you heard footsteps up to your door. Then a key being inserted into the lock. The only people that had a key to your place were you and Ja- shit. You couldn't get Mark's arm off your waist before your brother walked in, a mixture of a glare and smirk on his face.

"Well, what do we have here." His voice rang through your house. Only then did you see Mark's eyes pop open. You heard him mutter something under his breath before he ripped his arm away from your waist, pushing you away from him slightly as he began to stand up from the couch.

"Wait a minute, you're the guy that fired my ass!" Once Jakob started taking a few steps towards Mark, you couldn't help but step in between them. "I thought you said you weren't going to pull anything on her, huh?! What, firing me wasn't enough so now you're trying to get my sister in your bed?!?!"

"Whatever the hell is going on is not important." You raised your voice, shocking both Mark and your brother. "What is important is where the hell you've been Jakob!" Turning towards him, your eyes were filled with anger. "Why did you just leave? You didn't tell me, you didn't say anything! I thought something happened! I've spent weeks, with Mark's help, searching for you! Do you know how many times I thought you did something to yourself?!"

"I know sis, I know. I'm sorry I left you, I should have at least told you what was going on." You heard Jakob clear his throat as he scratched the back of his neck. "You're right, I was in a bad place after- he fired me. I left because if I stayed here, I would have done something to myself. I also didn't want you to worry about me, you do that enough as it is."

"You may not understand Y/N but that job I had was my life. It finally brought me back to the position I was in before mom and dad died. When this joke over there fired, I couldn't take it. So I left, to Nevada. I have an old college friend who lives there so I stayed with him until I felt that I could come back. I knew that if I told you, that you would have tried to bring me back home, and I didn't want that, nor did I need it."

Mark cleared his throat and moved to step in front of you. He must have seen the look in your eyes because he whispered, "I'll be ok."

"First of all, I'm not sleeping with your sister. I've simply been helping her since you've been gone. She actually came into my office a few days after you disappeared, made quite a scene." He chuckled before continuing. "She pled her case and won me over, so I started helping her. There's no hidden agenda with what I'm doing, I'm doing this to help you and your sister."

"About your job, I'm sorry I fired you, Jakob. That was not my call to make, I was just doing what my bosses were telling me to do." Mark took a few steps towards Jakob, his hands raised in defense. "If I would have known that all of this would have happened beforehand, I never would have fired you."

"Without your sister's knowledge, I've been looking into the work you did while you were with my company. You not only saved us money each month, but you're one of the most creative minds I've seen step through my company's doors in a long time. That's why I want to offer you a job. Head engineer in the engineering department. I truly think with you leading the department, you can bring MF Municipal Center to heights it hasn't seen yet." Mark stuck his hand out towards Jakob. "What do you say?"

There was an unreadable expression on Jakob's face as he thought about it. After a few minutes, he accepted Mark's hand. "I'll take it."


"This better not be a way to get you in my good graces so I'll let you get with my sister." All three of us laughed slightly as we stood there. "I'll call you later sis, I've got some things I have to take care of." With a quick kiss to your cheek, Jakob was out the door.

Once he left, you couldn't help but blurt out, "What the hell just happened" which made Mark laugh.

"That, my friend was me making amends." Mark started walking towards the door himself, then turned back towards you, his eyes shining. "Are you coming or what?"

"Coming where? Where is it I'm going?"

"I said I was making amends, this is me- making amends. Come on , let me take you to breakfast. You can finally go back to eating balanced meals since your brother's back." You thought about his offer, then accepted it. 

You weren't going to pass up the chance to get some free breakfast.


I don't know about you guys, but the ending was definitely my favorite part :D I would love to hear any sort of requests you guys might have for Imagines, I'll hopefully be able to do justice to your idea ;)

I know I said I would be taking a week break after the next Imagine was up. I'll still be taking a week off, I'll just be doing it after the next chapter for It's Never Too Late instead of this! 


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