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Rick joined Carl and Judith up on the highest elevating point of the walls of Wellington. "What are we doing here?" asked Rick. A skilled marksman by the name of Rhodes answered. "We're just guarding, mister Grimes. The Leader has told us to keep it guarded 24/7, got that?".

"Sorry...fucking hell, I was just asking a goddamn question, jeez" replied Rick with defense. "Dad, you really shouldn't be up here. Your health isn't strong enough to keep you up this high," said Judith.

"Whatever," replied Rick. He panted and grunted with pain as he lowered himself down the ladder from the guarded wall. He stepped down, as a fellow priest gave Rick back his cane.

It was Gabriel, formerly known as Father Gabriel. "Rick, are you okay? Did you check on Morgan?" asked Gabriel. Rick nodded as he readjusted his stance. The two walked along a road.

"The church tonight will have many visitors. Would you like to join us in prayer?" asked Gabriel. "Aw shit, I don't know whether or not there is a God, Gabriel. Haven't you given up on that whole religion?" asked Rick. "Well, frankly Rick, I haven't. There still is hope out there, given it's been many years since it started," replied Gabriel softly.

"Well..maybe I'll go tonight. Don't count me out of it, you old bastard," Rick joked with Gabriel. Gabriel was elderly as well, but a bit stronger and healthier than Rick and Morgan. "Haha okay, thank you, may God bless you," he replied back.

Later that night, Rick and Carl and Judith decided to have a meal in the home they were in. "Fed Morgan some supper beforehand?" asked Carl and Judith. Rick nodded as he grunted and seated himself into the kitchen chair of the table.

"Don't forget the church meet tonight," said Carl. Rick shushed him, and they began eating at the table. "It really feels like a normal dinner, like normal life," said Judith. She smiled as she ate the porkchops.

"I haven't felt this safe in so long," Carl said. Rick continued eating, ignoring them. "What's wrong, Dad?" asked Judith. Rick coughed in reply and kept on eating. Judith rolled her eyes.

After dinner was over, the three left the house and followed a small group of people to the church. Father Gabriel's church was placed in the middle of Wellington, so it was meant to be a populous place.

"Welcome! Welcome," exclaimed Gabriel to the churchgoers entering inside. "This is really fucking crowded," Rick scoffed. "Woah Rick, language when you enter the Lord's house," Gabriel replied, overhearing Rick's comment. Rick rolled his eyes, coughed, and was helped by his children to step up to the front doors of the church.

Gabriel made sure everyone was seated, and stood by a pedestal. "Welcome!" he announced more. The audience replied, "Greetings, father Gabriel!".

"How is everyone this fine night?" he asked. Everyone's replies went from "Good" to "Meh" to-"Really fucking shitty," whispered Rick.

Father Gabriel went on to talk about expansions to Wellington, the humidity of warm weather coming up, and praying to God for the wonderful evening.

"Thank you lord for helping us get through these treacherous years of survival. We are steps closer to becoming a happy and worthwhile community. I would never take any of this for granted so help me God, and amen" Father Gabriel concluded.

"Amen," replied the audience. "Amen," replied Rick. He even prayed, and was a bit annoyed that Father Gabriel didn't mention his name once about saving lives over the years and help get Gabriel, Morgan, and his children to safety when everything went down years ago.

After the church meeting, Rick shook hands with Father Gabriel. "Wonderful speech Gabriel," said Rick. Gabriel thanked him, and asked about Morgan. "Oh he's doing just fine," replied Rick.

"Good. May god be with you," replied Gabriel and walked away. Rick scoffed a bit. He limped with his cane, as Judith and Carl helped him inside their house. As they approached the door, Rick turned to look at Morgan's shelter.

He felt guilty for not checking up on Morgan tonight. "What's wrong, Dad?" asked Carl. "Nothing, son. Let's just go in," replied Rick.

Carl helped Rick choose which pills to take in order to get a good night's sleep and to control his blood sugar. The three went into the bedroom, as Rick rested in his bed. He sighed, hoping tomorrow was a better day.


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