Chapter Three

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When I woke up at my grandparents' house, I knew I needed to talk to Grandpa. But first I had to check my email. I didn't bother to check if I had gotten any phone calls. I didn't want to deal with school, Dominic, or Leland. I had called the school and requested a temporary leave of absence. Taraneh in the office accepted the request and put in the paperwork.

I logged onto the spare laptop I kept in my room at my grandparents'. The room was still packed up, and the walls were a plain beige. The internet booted up quite happily, it was like putting on a favorite sweater. My inbox boomed with messages from Dominic. I wanted to just delete them all, but then my eye caught something. I had two emails that were not from Dom, one from Issy- his sister, and one from Kelly.

I clicked the one from Kelly first.

Hey Em, I'm going to be in Italy for a shoot. Well, not just any shoot, but my first serious one! I thought maybe we could hangout. I know that you've got all that school stuff going and all. But hey, it isn't everyday that I'm in town. :) So, I'll be there about a week after your classes start. I know it's totally earlier than it was originally planned, but I know you'll figure out how to make time. I'll give you a call when I get there. See ya soon.



It was strange to hear from Kelly. It had only been a few months since I had last saw her. But our relationship was so different from where it began. She was the little girl I bit in kindergarten, and our friendship was nonexistent until Acacia appeared in town. It was as if having another person challenge her territory of queen bitch caused Kelly to be nice to me.

Kelly was a nice enough girl once you got passed her cold exterior, and she was an awesome ally when you had a common enemy. I was glad I helped her make it into the vampire world of modeling. There was no way she would have made it without an insider, especially one with influence.

I was happy she was coming. Having a friend here would be the distraction I needed to give my mind a chance to heal and strike a balance from everything that had happened. I just needed time to breathe and get a hold on everything. All I wanted was a chance to go back to the way things were when I was a kid- calm and peaceful. I almost forgot... Issy wrote me an email too.

My memories jarred me back to the task at hand. I needed to know what was going on with Issy- Dominic's wayward sister, and my childhood best friend. Did my message finally get to her?With a trembling hand I clicked on the message from her.

Emma, I'm not sure what to make of your messages. I've received them all, but what am I supposed to do? You say this horrific thing will come to pass if I don't change my path, but where am I to go? I don't belong in the vampire world, I'm not human, nor wolf. My place is with Jack. We made the choice long ago to stand by each other no matter what. You foresee both our deaths, and should that come to pass, then we will be together. However, I don't know if my path or the path I might take because of this vision is the cause. To change my course might alter both our lives. I can't risk that for Jack or myself, there is too much at stake. Please let my brother know I'm well. I'll be in contact soon, and I'll try to keep in touch more frequently. Perhaps next time you're in London, you'll come and see us. You are always with me Emma.

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