Back on Earth now, I opened my mouth before I realized, "why do you care?" he just shrugged his shoulders.

"What I'm just asking I've been doing nothing much these days and yeah.... I thought we'd do something together tomorrow just hang out, if you want that is?" he stopped and looked up.

"What do you say?" What do I say? I would want to but how do I know, I could trust this kid. I did just meet him. But I really want to do something! Come on say yes. It's only three letters. However, might I add it could be a trick?

"I don't know, we did just meet how do I know if I could trust you?" he just sighs.

"Dammit," that was not a good sign. "I guess was stupid of me to ask. What can I do for you to trust me?" he asks.

"You do know I can't just trust you, right? I mean how do I know you're not a murder trying to kill me? Or a boy trying to fool me? Or, or an alien trying to abduct me? Or a 40 year old trying to lure me with candy leading me into your white van with tinted win-"

My ranting was muffled by someone's hand. Hey I wasn't done.

"Okay, okay sheesh you talk so much! One If I was a murder I would've killed you before all these ranting of yours, and let me remind you I did just save you didn't I?" I rolled my eyes and let him continue.

"Two do I look like an alien to you?" I nodded. Hehe.

"And three, I AM NOT A PEDO, I MEAN COME ON DO I LOOK 40 TO YOU?" he asked in distress. I nodded my head furiously with wide eyes.

I gently pulled his hand away from my mouth before flashing him a smile. I just said, "OKAY then! PROOOOOOVE IT!"

"Fine, test me tomorrow if it doesn't work out than I'll let you be promise, meet me here tomorrow at six o'clock sharp, kapish?" What's the harm? I'm going to agree. It's not my fault you left Luke.

"Kapish, you have a deal!" I grinned, while shaking his outstretched hand.

"Now will you excuse me; I better get going now..." I said while getting up, this time with my good wrist and slowly.

I packed all my things he pulled out from my bag not even over an hour ago. I slang it over my shoulder.

"But why you leaving so soon?" he asked with a puzzled look on his face. I just replied slowly.

"I need to complete some homework for tomorrow. See you tomorrow, Bruce." Did I just use the number one lamest excuse in the history of Earth? I'm clearly ahead in all my subjects. I just rolled my eyes and started walking.

"But..." he tried again. But I stopped him short, "bye, Bruce." He sighs in defeat and mumbles a goodbye. I just continued on my way back home.


"Just let the good times flow, I...I wanna feel the music in my soul, everybody all around the world, I...I wanna let it go, Just let the good times flow, Everybody, Just let the good times flow, Just let the good times flow..."

Strolling back home, humming and singing to the music blasting in my ears. It was literally music to my ears. Ok, ok, I know that was pretty lame. I couldn't hear anything so a car could be honking and I won't hear it. So you could imagine how I reacted when I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders firmly at the edge of the forest, and two blocks away from my house. I jabbed my elbow in his chest and I folded my fingers and took a swing with my fist. But before it planted on my victim, he caught my hand, and pulled my earphones out with his other hand.

"That's not how it's done," he said.

It was Bruce. I let out a shaky breath. He gently pried my fingers loose and refolded them making my thumb more prominent.

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