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I could see the whole sky from where I was standing. That W of stars staring right back at me... It felt like I was staring at that W for an eternity. I'd never watched it from anywhere other than my bedroom window. It made me realize that you can always find comfort in the stars, because they look the same from wherever you are. You can stare at them and forget your surroundings.

Then I remembered where I was. A shiver of shock grasping onto my spine as I looked around. It felt like a dream. I think anything uncomfortable feels like a dream.

I couldn't see him anywhere, but I saw that candlelight silhouetting a skinny tree. I fearfully tiptoed toward it. I placed my numb, cold hand on the bark. I knew that he was standing just behind it. Only a footstep away. I was scared of what I might see. What if he looks different? What if he isn't the same person I thought I followed? The anxiety raced through my veins as my meaningless paranoia clouded my mind.

I should just go.

Go where?

I took a step forward. He was just sitting there, in the dirt, looking up at the tree. His face showed an expression of deep focus and determination. Although I was confused at the time, I now know he was memorizing the pattern of the tree, so he'd know if he crossed it next time.

Should I say something? Does he even notice that I'm here? Does he care?

Does he remember me?

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