Elucidated Contemplation

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When people think of an adult, they usually think of responsibilities. When kids think of an adult, they think of opportunities. When he thinks of an adult... Well, he doesn't really. He doesn't like to enumerate his future. He doesn't really believe he'll be very different when he's older. He hasn't changed much in the years he's been alive, what could possibly cause him to change anytime soon?

The truth is... He's stubborn. The thought of what's right or wrong doesn't bother him. He isn't affected by the universal questions; How am I here? What's the right way to live? What happens when I die?

He doesn't ponder those questions that much because he knows that he'll never find an answer.

He wasn't born with this knowledge. Nobody is just born with the knowledge they have. Intuition comes from scars reflecting your past. In order to learn... you must experience.

And everybody has a back story...

Even him.

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