The Wanderer

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Once I caught him jumping over the fence.

I shot him with a water gun.

I can sorta justify myself though, I was young. It was funny. Why wouldn't I have done it?

Anyways, he didn't react that much, I just kinda got his attention. He looked down at his damp sweater and jumped back to my side of the fence. He removed his sweater and handed it to me. I felt bad, so I took it and washed it in a load of my own laundry, gave it back to him the next day.

It honestly wasn't that big of a deal. He always knew I found his silence and avoidance a bit rude, so he didn't get mad whenever I picked on him. He'd just pretend I wasn't there...

Let's change the subject.

There was a night I couldn't fall asleep. Usually, I look out the window and make up names for the constellations. I don't actually know anything about them. My favorite is the one that's shaped like an M in the winter, and a W in the summer. There's no reason behind it, I think it's just the easiest one to point out. It's rare that I see a shooting star, and I'm too skeptical to find hope in making a wish.

One time, about midnight, I saw him. He was wandering the streets right outside my window. I had the urge to get him into trouble...

But I was also curious on what he was doing.

So I waited...

And I watched...

And I eventually


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