Chapter 8 -

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I can't sleep.

Yes, I know, I know I told Draco not to go down to the quidditch pitch, and yes, I'm a hypocrite.

But, in my defense, what am I supposed to do when I can't sleep? Stare at the wall and ponder life? No thanks. I've already had too much time to do that for one night.

But that still doesn't mean I wanted Draco to be waiting for me, out in the freezing cold.

"MALFOOOOOY!" I yell across the quidditch pitch. He was laying down on one of the benches and he was so scared that he fell. "You're in big trouble mister!"

Draco sits on his hands and knees and looks side to side, trying to find the source of the sound. This is a perfect opportunity. Slowly, I creep closer to Draco.

"Over here," I whisper in his ear from behind. I can visibly see him shiver. But he has lightning reflexes. I quickly realize that this is a big mistake on my part. He whips around and tackles me, pinning me down, causing my invisibility cloak to slide off and fall into a heap next to the cold bench.

"You think you can get me that easily Potter?" He looks like he's challenging me. Glad I'm there, but mostly challenging me.

I laugh on impulse, only for it to be swallowed back up. I stare back up at him, "I told you to not come down here."

"So?" He laughs a bit, smiling down at me. "I wasn't tired..." He trails off, smiling softly. "And I knew you would be here, you arse."

Draco gets up, off of me, and helps me stand. "Thanks," I say, brushing myself off.

"Any time, Potter." And he places a heartwarming kiss on my cheek.


Harry blushes, causing me to smile. He really is amazing. I honestly don't care what Madam Pomfrey said. I would rather collapse in Harry's arms again, than have to miss out on another night of snogging.

My hands slip down and meet with his. I stare into those thrilling green eyes, my heart racing. If there was anything that made me weak in the knees it would be those god forsaken eyes. I stare at him, he stares at me. We might have been there hours, but it was too soon when the silence broke.

"Draco..." Harry starts, reverting his eyes from mine and staring down at our hands intertwined. I wait patiently. Anything he had to say was worth listening to. "I...I don't know if this is working..."

My heart shatters. I stare numbly at the top of Harry's head, hoping I just heard him wrong. "Wha-what?" I try and say, but my voice breaks halfway through. How could it not? I mean, I was just hearing the love of my life say he didn't think this was working. I thought he loved me. Why would he think this? Of course, he didn't love me. How could he when I can't even love myself?

Harry lifts his head staring into my eyes, his tearing up. He tears his gaze away, looking somewhere, anywhere to avoid my cold gray eyes. "I..I just don't want-"

"-Us?!" I finish out of everything my mind told me not to. "You don't want this relationship?! Because it's weird that we're both guys? Because you're afraid what people will think of the "Great Harry Potter" as being gay?!" I couldn't keep it in anymore. My temper was up and still on the rise. "Let me tell you Potter-" I spit out the last word like venom, "-I never loved you! It was some stupid dare to give you that slip of paper form Pansy!" I immediately regret these words at the horror that struck Harry's face.

Tears spill over his eyes like small dams being overflowed. He opens his mouth like he's gonna say something, but closes his mouth. He opens again, and sighs. "I....I just don't want to get hurt because of me..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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