Chapter 6- Breakdown

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Draco's Perspective:

Herbology was the longest it's ever been. As was the walk back to the dungeons into the common room.

I collapsed on one of the many sofas in the room feeling (if it was possible) even more exhausted than I did when I was rudely stowed away into Mcgonagall's classroom. I didn't even bother to work on my huge pile of homework. I just couldn't today.

I didn't notice how annoying Crabbe and Goyle could be until I'm pissed. They're just two big lugs of stupidity. They almost remind me of lost dogs. They sat around me, drooling, waiting for me to do something. Anything.

"DRRaaacccCccoooOOoooOo." Pansy runs up and belly flops on top of me.

"Get the hell of me!" I throw her off of me causing her to slam on the floor. So much for trying to find peace.

"Geez, someone's cranky." Pansy says as she crosses her arms, pouting.

"Maybe I wouldn't be so cranky if a certain someone wouldn't knock the wind out of me as soon as I get a moment to relax." I snap back. I sit up and rub my forehead.

"What's wrong with you today?" Crabbe asks. "You seem really out of it."

"Maybe I wouldn't be so 'out of it'-" I make air quotations with my hands. "-if my so called friends would just give me some alone time for once."

"Why don't you just go to bed. You're probably just tired." Goyle tried adding to this conversation.

"What am I three?" I question him. "Besides, I'm not tired." I grumble.

"Well, then stay down here. Geez, complaining about us and then doing nothing about it. We tried helping, but now I'm pissed." Pansy said.

"Fine! Then I'm leaving." I said and stood up, dragging my feet up the stairs to my dorm. Just what I needed: an argument to top it all off.

I don't even bother getting undressed, just flopped down face-first into my four-poster bed. I grabbed my pillow and hugged it close to my chest, my legs also moving up to cradle it. I buried my face in it and tried to forget the day's events. Forget that, tonight, I wouldn't be down at the quidditch pitch first, waiting patiently for Harry to turn up. Forget that Harry might not even love me back. I gripped my pillow tighter, and I started to cry. I'm just so done with everything.


I didn't get any sleep last night. I couldn't get my mind to stop thinking of the worst case scenario. So by the time my alarm clock went off I had a big wet pool on my pillow from all my crying and my eyes were so bloodshot, they would put Voldemort's eyes to shame.

I groaned because it was so early and why couldn't time just go faster? I don't feel like eating breakfast today so I might as well get ready for the day just to do something.

I take the world's slowest shower because I just want to drown out the thoughts. It doesn't help that much though because most people's greatest thinking comes from the shower. I dry off and get dressed into some clean robes, but if I had the choice, I would much rather stay in my dorm and do nothing all day. And since I can't think of any spells that would help to cover up my horrendous eyeballs, I decide to be the first one down to potions class. Breakfast gets out in a few minutes anyway, so I might as well just sit at my desk and do nothing. Great. I think. More time to think. I've been thinking all night but still can't decide if Potter actually loves me. Why can't everything be as simple as learning a spell?

Breakfast ends and a mix of Gryffindors and Slytherins pour into Snape's classroom to start their morning lessons. Though, I'm only looking for the kid with the bright green eyes and messy brown hair.

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