Chapter 5- Interrogation

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Draco's Perspective:

I literally have no idea what's happening. One minute I'm walking down to the dungeons, and the next thing I know I'm in what I'm guessing to be Professor Mcgonagall's room having a light shine in my face by Granger and Weasley.

After that strange talk with McGonagall, they bound me to a chair using the Incarcerous spell. They stole my wand too which I took so much effort to get. I will definitely tell my father about this. Maybe he could get Granger and Weasley expelled. Or maybe he would let me go to Durmstrang. No, scratch that, I would never be able to see Harry again... I definitely can't have that.

"What is the meaning of this?" I tried to say, but I must still be under the silencio charm because I can feel my breath leave, but it doesn't make any noise.

Granger sees this but she must like to see me suffer because she just smiles and says, "Time to start talking Malfoy." Great. What does she want know? I think and roll my eyes. "We will only release the silencio curse if you agree that you won't scream or alert anyone nearby." I stare at Granger who is above me, obviously trying to seem powerful. I nod, only to get this thing over with. When she releases the curse I can feel my voice swell up my throat and pour out, causing me to gasp in more air.

Once I have enough breath in me I make an attempt to scream, because I'm a lil' troll. But Weasly sees me and covers my mouth.

"You promised!" Weasley hisses.

"I never promised anything!" I counter back. "What the hell am I signing up for anyway?"

"We just want to know what you're doing with Harry." My head snaps back to Granger and my heart stops. Why does this have to be about Harry? I have to admit, they did pinpoint my weak spot.

"H-harry?" I stammered. Granger grinned at my showing of weakness.

"Yes, Harry. I'm sure that you've noticed that he has been rather distracted recently?. So I was just wondering if you knew what was going on with him, that's all." she shrugged.

I scoff. "Why the hell would I kn-"

Granger cuts me off. "I know you know what's going on, and I'm disappointed you would lie like that."

"How can you possibly-"

"Then what was that showcase down at the quidditch pitch?"

Realization shoots through my veins and my heart stops.

"No smart-arse comment this time, Malfoy?" Granger pauses. I want to answer but my mouth is so unbelievably dry and my mouth doesn't want to move when I tell it to. "None? Good, then I'll continue."

"We have noticed that since 3 or 4ish days ago Harry has been acting rather odd. With skipping class and not being able to focus. Was that the first day you two meet at the quidditch pitch?" All I can do is nod. Even though I have my voice back, I can't seem to find it. "What happened?"

I sigh, knowing she won't let me go until I respond. "No comment." I say because I'm not really feeling up to admitting to snogging Potter in the dead of night.

Granger slams a hand on the side of the chair, causing me to jump at the force of her impact. "Look, Malfoy," she looked really irritated. "I'm just worried about the condition of Harry, as I'm sure you are too, but I have a sneaking suspicion that you're the problem here."

I chuckled. "That's funny because last I checked, you're his half-arsed friends."

This time Granger scoffed at me. "Look we're worried about him and you're only making it worse. For all we know you could be beating him up or-"

"Why the hell would I ever do that?!" I shouted back.

"I don't know? Maybe because you're his enemy?!" She spit back in my face. I looked down in my lap, closing my eyes.

"We're not enemies." I barely whispered. Are we? I thought, second guessing myself.

"Then what the heck are you-"

"I don't know!" I screamed at her, mid-sentence, my face still looking down. Were we still enemies? No way, not after the past few days. But what were we then? Boyfriends? That doesn't sound right. For all I know he could be doing this for a dare. I felt tears prick at my eyes. Damn it. I gripped my hands into fists. "I don't know." I said in a whisper this time. I released my fists.

"Well, can you at least tell me what happened, then maybe we could talk it over?" Granger replied in a softer voice, reaching over to touch my shoulder. I shook it off because if I could move my hands I would've slapped it away.

"Don't touch me Mudblood." I hiss quietly, more to the floor than to Granger.

"Oi! Don't you dare call her that, Malfoy!" Weasley responded hotly. I didn't really see (because I was still staring at the floor) but by the sound of it, Granger was trying to hold back Weasly. I was blocking out the world but I heard snippets like "No! We can't!" and "We need more information" from Granger. I really didn't care. I just wanted to get out of here and collapse into Harry's arms. I don't care how many people stare, I need to recharge. Why did midterm finals have to be so soon? I don't want Harry to be busy studying. I want another night at the quidditch pitch.

The tight bindings fell away from my arms as Granger released the Incarcerous curse.

"Lunch is almost over. Ron and I need to get to Devonation. We'll finish this later." Granger leaves the room and I almost want to cry, but I know that people will be walking in soon, so I think better of it. I slowly stand up, my head still down, my body so heavy it feels like the Incarcerous curse was still bound to my legs. I stumbled groggily down to the greenhouses for herbology. I'm so exhausted. I sigh. I only lift my head up to give the impression that I'm strong. That I'm not weak. That I can do this. Because afterall, I'm a Malfoy and we never show weakness.

Sorry for the short chapter! I think the next one will be longer with lots more fluff instead of sadness. But I just love to watch my readers suffer. MAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!

But 2 chapters in 1 day is pretty good for me. (I'm just really bored)

*meows at cat slippers* WHY WON'T THEY MEOW BACK?!?!?!


*maniacal laughter*

I've got plans for upcoming chapters and I'll I can say is, be prepared.


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