The Start Of A New Adventure

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Clementine's POV

I was surprised, happy and confused. I thought I was the only one left from my first group. This is GRATE, I haven't felt this happy for a while, The last time I was this happy was when I met Kenny again.

''Hey, Clem, Where are you''

''Um...By a small, Yellow and blue house''

''I know where that is, we're actually really close to there, You want to meet my crew''

''Um, Yeah.. I mean I'm not a group girl anymore, But, sure, yeah okay''

''Right, I'll get my friend Daryl, I think you'll like him''


''Find somewhere safe, that's close, Okay?''

''Got it''

We hung up and I looked around for any where to hide, I saw a tree with a rope attached, with a small house on the top, It looked a lot like my old tree house, I sighed, I hated it up there, I got AJ and helped him up.


Come. The . Fuck. On. Glenn

I have been sitting hear for two hours now AJ's starting to get bored, There was a walker trying to get up I was just about to snipe it when a arrow beat me too it, I looked around and saw a scruffy looking guy reloading his crossbow, I saw someone with him, I looked closer with my sniper rifle, It was Glenn, I smiled and shot at the ground, giving my position, they looked up and I knew they saw me because Glenn ran over to the tree.

''Sup'' I said

''Hey Clem, You all right?''

''Um.. You took two hours to get hear''

''Yeah, sorry''

I jumped down from the tree with AJ and hugged my old time friend,

''Well, Let's go'' Glenn said happily

I nodded and followed him, The hole time this Daryl guy hadn't said a word, I looked at him for a few moments before looking forwards again

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