21. Recooperation and Reparations

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The Institute

I did it. I won. I beat Balathazar and got my mom back. But I currently feel like a bus ran over me. I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm in an infirmary. I look around to see Dane sitting and sleeping on the chair next to me. "Hey sailor," I say and he stirs awake. "Hey, how you feeling?" He asks. "Like I got beat up by a demon, but I'll live," I reply with a chuckle but quickly regret it when pain shoots through my ribs. "Hey hey, take it easy," Dane says as he lowers his head and plants a kiss on my lips. I hear footsteps approach and Dane pulls away. "Sorry for interrupting, but can I speak to Hunter for a few minutes please," my says. "Of course Mrs. Cross. I'll see you later," Dane says and kisses me on my forehead. I smile and nod. "Thank you, sweetie," my mother says and he puts a hand on her shoulder and smiles before leaving. "How you feeling?" She asks. "I'll live, Just in a lot of pain, but I'll live," I reply. She nods and takes a seat next to me on the bed. "You know, when Balthazar first took over my body,  I asked him if he could fake my death, because I couldn't risk getting you or your father killed by him," she explains. "I'll make sure dad could have taken him, I mean, he did beat him in your fight yesterday," I say. "That's because my body was weakening. After many years of being strong and healthy, a routine I followed daily, Balthazar had not kept me healthy, therefore I started dying, slowly. I was lucky you could heal, because I could feel all the organs that have already shut down, spring back to life. You're a pretty powerful being, you know that," she said as she tipped my noise with her finger.

"I always thought I'd never see," I begin to explain. "All my life, dads' told me stories about how beautiful, strong and independent you are, but I'd always get sad in the end because I knew I wouldnt get to see it for myself. I guess good things come to those who wait," I say and she smiles. "Listen, I know haven't been there for your,  but if you would allow me to get to know my own son, his favourite foods, taste in music, movies, and so forth?" She asks. I smile at her nod,"of course. I would love that." I decided that I've had enough bed rest and so I closed and focused on myself, mustering every last bit of power I could to heal myself. I felt the familiar warmth spread through my body, but this time it stayed inside me. I could feel the pain subsiding, I could feel the ribs knitting themselves together, cuts and bruises healing. I open my eyes and suddenly i feel renergised. "I'm all healed up. Now let's go because I can't take anymore of this infirmary," I say and jump right out of bed. "You cease to amaze me every time," she says and we both make our way out of the infirmary. When we reached the mission room, everybody was there, except Michael. "Where's Michael?" I asked. "He'll be back soon, he's helping Paige out in the library," Theo said. "I'm glad to see you in better shape," Gabby said, coming up to me and planting a kiss on my cheek. "Thanks," I replied. "Well now that everyone's here, I'd just like to say congratulations to everyone for a successful victory," Theo said.

We all clapped and cheered, but we were cut short by Theo raising his hand to quiet us down. "The video tory is short lived though. While yous were in Miami, we did some research on this war, we found out that more generals will be coming, but not just for war, it seems they want to raise the big bad," Theo says, making us all scowl. "And who would that be?" Chris asked. "I think you know," he replied and it suddenly hit me. "They trying to raise Satan," I said and Theo nodded. "Correct. But in order for them to do so, they need three sacrifices for their ritual. A Virgin, a witch and..." suddenly Theo stops. "What Theo? What's the third one?" My dad asked. "The third sacrifice is you, Hunter. When Satan comes through, he needs a body, thus yours being the greatest. All that angelic power, corrupted, he'd be unstoppable, not even the archangels could stop him," Theo explains. "Well then, I guess that ,ears one thing and one things only, we live our lives while we can, because when the generals come through, we'll put an end to them. We can't stop living our lives because of this. You guys wanted me to be a leader, so I'm giving an order. We train, we have fun and we live," I say and everyone nods and smiles. "So what are we waiting for, let's go," Chris says and everyone exits, except myself and Dane. "You know, I'm not gonna let that happen. I'm not gonna let him take you," he says. I pull him closer and crash my lips against his. This is something I've needed for a long time now. His love, his warmth and his kisses. Right now, this is our time, and nothing is going to get in the way of that, not even Satan. My life begins today.

                                                                                 The End.

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