"So shay why do you want to buy a room" I asked her

"Umm well to live in it!" Shy replied

"You want to live in the hotel?" I was confused

I mean I have my own room here because shit my dad is the owner. Otherwise I got my own place.

"Yeah, I travel so I'd rather have a room than a entire place to come back to you know" she smiled

"Yeah, I see you would want to keep all the services just like a guest would to" I don't like this bitch, just because she was flirting with rye

"I mean sure I'll still pay for whatever I use ya know, room service, laundry whatever" she smiled looking at her phone, and I looked at rye she was evil smirking dead at me

So they fucking texting, I tearing her ass up, I swear I told her about this shit man. She steady doing this  shit though.

"Okay well, since I'm all about business, it's 250,000 each year you are here! " I said not sure if she can afford it but

"Okay, that's fine, what kinda room does that mean?" She asked

"A Chairman Suite," I said

We talked more about it she signed her paperwork, and I showed her the room she purchased, and she was pleased, why wouldn't she be. I wanted to let her know that she need to back the fuck off Rye but it's too soon for that. And rye already know what I told her so she wanna do this her way imma do this my way.

It's been like five hours already I don't know where time I went but I was hungry and I was fucking tired I had a long fucking night and day it's 6 pm and lord was I ready to fucking go. On the way to my room, I needed to get something to eat and I stopped at B&B Ristorante for some Italian food. And who the fuck I see rye ass talking to some one else, she didn't look like she was flirting but I don't give a fuck.

"Let's go rye" I said walking up to her and this girl

"Who is this" the girl asked

"No body my manager" rye said

"Oh well what's the problem" the girl said

"Nothing chase, I'm busy Sami please and I'm clocked out"  rye laughed

"Oh damn word, your boss on you like that" chase laughed

"Bitch if you don't shut the fuck up" I yelled

"Man, rye ya manager tripping!" Chase said

"Rye if you don't want your friend ass beat then you already know what I told your ass" I said pulling her from the table

"Aye bro you tripping" rye said

"Yeah she is let her go" chase got up

"Aye Sami man chill" keke said walking up with Rylie and Ryan

"No because y'all gone fucking understand they Rye is fucking off limits period to any bitch in this mother fucking city" I yelled at everyone

"Okay Sami just chill out" Rylie said grabbing my arm

"Then tell rye ass let's go now!" I said to Rylie

"Look come with me Sami" Rylie pulled me away

"Man, Rylie I'm not in the mood"  I said

"Look you like her okay, well instead of treating her like some fuck doll, yeah she told me y'all fucking. Actually make it seem like you like her damn not being so fucking stubborn, her birthday is this weekend so something nice for her beside fucking her" Rylie said

"I don't just be fucking her though and why she telling you shit, man , I like being around her she just do shit that I don't like that's all and I hate it like now what the fuck she doing" I pointed to them

"She doing her, you not treating her like she's yours, she not property Sami, she's a woman period" Rylie said slapping my arm

"Okay whatever I get it but I'm still taking her from this bitch ass Chase" I walked away

"Sami" Rylie yelled after me

"Rylie, I know okay I remember something nice" I put up the okay sign

"Ready to go, and you bitch stay away from my girl BITCH" I pushed past chase grabbing rye"

"I'm not your girl, Sami what do you understand" she laughed

"You whatever I say you are, let's go"  I pushed her in the elevator

"Wassup y'al" June said jumping the elevator with us, we didn't say nothing

"Aww shit what I step into, y'all hungry?, Sexual tension huh? Damn I can feel all of that shit" she waved her hands up and down

I was so annoyed by rye and now annoyed by June ass trying to be funny. I feel guilty about fucking rye and then acting like as ass to her but I can't help myself man, I don't know how to open up like I should to her.

Feedback Time

How was it?

Why is Sami so crazy over Rye?

What is Sami scared of?

I love ready y'all comments 😇

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