16 • Your Mines

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°° KEKE POV °°

I feel so relieved that Sami, understand what went down, with me and rye. I hope Sami took her ass over there and spoke to rye. On another note, I have been keeping my eye on someone. Lately, she's gorgeous, she funny she's always happy. I was feeling good, since I ain't have to worry about my cousin beating my ass over some bullshit. I decided to text her to invite her to the club tonight

Me- hey Rylie!

Rylie- hey Keke😇

Me- umm I was. Wondering if you wanna come to the club tonight? Amber rose and black Chyna

Rylie-  yeah, it don't matter if they there! I'll come anyways 🤗

Me- Good good, see you tonight

Rylie- see you at the bar .

I was nervous as fuck, I like Rylie! I don't even know if she like girls at all! This is gonna be so fucking awkward. I had to tell Sami, I went down to her office

"Aye , Sami!" I walked in the office

"What keke!" She sounded mad

"Umm, where is Rye at?" I sat Infront of her desk

"She said she quit!" Sami actually sounded sad

"Was it because of us?" I asked

"Because of me!" Sami got up from her desk

"Damn, did you go over there like I said" which I knew she didn't

"No...." I cut her off

"That's the problem, Sami you got too much fucking pride man, I told you to go over there and you didn't! You need to drop the pride act. I invited Rylie to the club I'm positive she will bring Rye, so your ass better be getting ready.

"It's not my pride" she yelled as I left her office

I didn't even care, she need to stop acting like that it's fucking annoying! And she ain't never gone have no relationship acting like this.


I didn't even go in, why would I I ain't missing shit at all, so fuck all of that. I'm just gonna chill with Ryan and Rylie, since Ryan ain't feeling to good! Fuck Sami and all her bullshit I didn't move to Vegas for this drama, I could have stayed in Compton for this shit.

"So, Ryan dead ass knocked out!" Rylie said standing in my room doorway

"That niquil will have a nigga dead" we laughed

"Yes, so Keke invited me to the club you wanna go! " Rylie sat on my bed

"Yeah why not, I'm not doing anything else" I said looking at the clock read 9:45

"Okay booboo get dressed, cause I'm wearing this " she sounded in a circle

"You looking good" I laughed and closed my door

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