The 5th Quarter Quell (THG)

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I woke up. 'Mom? Dad?' Nobody responsed. 'Mom? Where are you?!' I jumped out of my bed and my toe bumped to my chair. 'Shit!' I said. I dressed up and walked downstairs. 'Mom? Dad? Lily?' I didn't see my mom, my dad and I didn't even seemy sister. 'Hello?!' I heared a Meow. Trough the corridor my cat walked to me. 'Hey little Sunflower, where are mommie and daddie?' He meowed with a sad tone. It didn't feel right. I decided to go out of the house. I started to walk trough the little streets. 'Mom?! Dad?!' I heard a sound. 'BOOM!' What was that? I started to run. A big bomb fell behind me. It was a fire bomb. I runned faster and faster. Everywhere started to fall bombs. I saw my mom, dad and my sister. They smiled. 'It is okay.' They said. 'MOM! DAD! LILY! You have to get away from here!' They didn't do anything. 'Mom!' I started to cry. I runned as fast as I could, but I couldn't reach them. A bomb fell in front of me, and the fire burned my mom, dad and my sister away. 'NO!' I screamed as I woke up. 'It's just a dream. Calm down' My little sister sat next to me, and was hugging me. 'It's just a dream.' My sister was so brave. She is only 13 and she takes care of so many things. She always helps people and make them feel better. 'Thank you Lily.' She smiled. My mom yelled from downstairs: 'Put on your clothes Jill!' 'Okay!' I jumped out of bed, but it was colder as I tought. I shiverd. Lily was still on my bed. I toke my clothes off, but I didn't care about Lily. My mother laid clothes for me. I laughed. She never does that. She is always to busy with her shop. It was a beautiful light-purple dress and a big white rose. I braided my long hazel-brown hair, and I did the flower in it. Sh*t. I remembered. Reaping day. But not a normal one.

It was the 5th Quarter Quell.

We all sat on the couch. The new president was talking. 'Welcome to the announcement of the 5th Quarter Quell. It is one of the special anniversary 25th year of the Hunger Games. Today, we are gonna remember that no one can escape our bond. So for the 5th Quarter Quell, we are going to choose four Districts, and of each district three girls and three boys.' That wasn't that bad at all. But wait. What if My crush... And I.. Get reaped? Or even worse? What if me and my sister both get reaped? No wait, I can volunteer for her, than she can't be chosen. It is funny. I didn't think about that! I am a career. I had to remember. I trained since I was a kid. I could do anything. But my strength was: throwing knives. Into people. Hearts. I looked at my mom and dad. They didn't seem to worry at all. 'Okay children. Eat your breakfast!' My mom's eyes stood worried and my dad was shaking. They did worry. 'Okay. Come Lily.' I could hear my mom crying. 'I don't wanna lose them. I love them' She was crying. 'It is all going to be okay.' 'No it won't be okay! You know that they missed the part about the chosen Districts! They chose two, five, seven and twelve! We are in it Phill! Don't you realize?!' My mom didn't realize we were listening to all what they were saying. 'I did! I did realize that! But I am not letting them go! Never!' My dad yelled, but qiuetly. 'Okay.' My mom calmed down a little bit. We heared the buzzer. 'Time to go, little girl.' I grabbed my sister's hand and stood up. My sister was (next to my cat) the thing I loved really much. My mom and dad, shaking, walked behind us. My sister didn't looked afraid at all. We arived. My sister started to breath heavily. She stopped walking but people were pushing her forwards. Things as 'Watch out' and 'Why do you stop?!' Were thrown to our heads. 'Lily, it's okay. Really. Trust me.' 'If it is okay, why do all the children cry harder than normal?!' She didn't know? 'Lily, you didn't watch TV this morning?' 'No' 'Because it's the 5th Quarter Quell, there are only four districts, but from each district three girls and three girls. We are one of the four districts.' Her eyes stand wide open. 'But.. But..' She cried. 'Hey! You two over there! Yes, you! Hurry!' A peacekeeper yelled 'Come on, let's get your blood drawn.' She nodded. Almost all the children stood by there factor, as the announcer came on stage. 'Welcome, welcome, to the anniversary of the 125th Hunger Games, also known as the 5th Quarter Quell.' She showed us the movie (as always) but than walked to the reaping bowl. 'Let's start. The first girl is: Mary Undersand!' A little girl, but I guess almost fourtheen, walked through the crowd. Her hand let go another hand and she stood next to the woman. 'The first boy is: Jake Lavigne.' Luckily, I didn't know these two. No reason to be sad. 'The second girl is: Layla Marriehand!' Oh no.. My sister's best friend. I really liked her. 'Let go. Only Lily cares in this moment. 'The second boy is: Vladimir Bonningham.' It was one of the smallest boys of District 5. He was tin, pale, and always sick. He was really poor. I felt sorry for him.. 'The last girl is..... LILY STANDFORD!' No!! Not Lily! Not my sister! 'Lily!! Lily! No! Not her!' I cried. 'I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!' I yelled maniacally. 'I volunteer as tribute' i whispered again, to check if they heard me. 'Well, as you can hear, or can see, we have a volunteer!' My sister came up to me. 'Be brave Lily. You can do this. I love you' She nodded and hugged me. Fast she gave me something. And then she runned away. 'And last, but not least, our boy: LUKE CLIDDENMART' No. No! NO! MY CRUSH WAS IN IT! Could this day become even more worse!?

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