2: Penalty

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Two: Penalty.

Gothi had shooed everyone out of Hiccup's room as she set to work saving his life, his father and Gobber in attendance-though the blacksmith's deliberate propensity for misinterpreting her runes earned him a series of blows from her staff to an ever-expanding repertoire of expletives. Toothless had insisted on being there too, curled in the corner of Hiccup's room, big green eyes sad and worried. Stoick sighed, watching the old woman rip the knife out with surprising strength to a scream of pain from Hiccup and holding the trembling shape tenderly. Hiccup's face buried into his father's muscular shoulder as the Chief tightened his grip on the young man.

"She says the knife hit the bone and didn't damage his heart and lungs," Gobber read as the Elder packed the wound with a paste that slowed the loss of blood and prevented infection. "But he's got damage to the muscles and they will need to heal."

"Thank Thor," Stoick murmured, his worried eyes flicking to the Night Fury. Toothless's ears were back and he was looking cowed: Stoick was struck by the way he could understand that a dragon was blaming himself that his rider had been taken. Hiccup curled against Stoick and stiffened as the old woman poked his wound hard. A muffled cry sounded against the Chief's armour and Stoick felt him tremble again. Instinctively, Stoick stroked the matted auburn hair, feeling his son bury his head deeper as Gothi bandaged his wound before nodding and turning her attention to his other injuries. The Chief stared into the bruised, tight face and sighed as he cautiously laid the boy down.

"Hiccup," he began but the bleary emerald eyes opened, definite brows furrowing as he struggled to speak. His throat was swollen with black bruising and he winced as he tried to swallow.

"I'm...fine...Dad..." he rasped stubbornly before closing his eyes once more. Stoick stared into his bruised face and gently stroked his hair.

"Okay, son," he said, not fooled. Gothi glanced up and made a shooing motion and the Chief, with a sigh, retreated. Even Gothi didn't want to move the Night Fury as she continued to treat the boy-but both of them could see that Hiccup was suffering. Gobber hung back until Gothi gestured for him to go as well, leaving her with the battered young man. Once the limping sounds had retreated, she quietly stroked Hiccup's bruised face and the green eyes opened slightly.

"Am I going to die?" he whispered. She squinted at him and gave a slight smile, wagging her finger. "That...doesn't fill me...with confidence," he mumbled thickly. Gothi winked and began to slather ointment over his bruised chest and middle and neck and tenderly stroke a mushy cream into the vicious cuts deliberately sliced into his skin. He hissed and twitched until she finished and forced him to drink a cup of a bitter-tasting liquid that he knew was designed to help with the pain. But he closed his eyes in relief when she finished winding the last bandages around his battered shape and he was able to curl up. Gothi rested a hand gently on his forehead before shuffling out, as Toothless gave a sad little warble. Hiccup lifted a hand, stretching slightly towards the Night Fury and Toothless eagerly scrambled up, butting his nose against the outstretched hand.

"Wasn't your fault, bud," he breathed his voice almost beyond using now. Toothless nuzzled his forgivingly, his eyes fixed on the curled young man. "I was too stupid to listen...Astrid tried to warn me..." Gently, the Night Fury rested his head against Hiccup's battered middle and quietly, Hiccup wrapped his arms around the dragon.

"I'm never leaving you again," he whispered and finally dropped asleep.


The Riders remained outside the Chief's house for a while until Gobber, Gothi and finally Stoick emerged and shooed them away. Only Astrid remained, her face determined.

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