Chapter 5

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Four tall boys stood wearing sharp tuxedos. Their expressions changed from patient to amazed as they stared at me. I tried not to meet their stares by diverting my glance out the window to the huge building we were parked outside. Flashing lights, red carpets, paparazzi everywhere. Aston stepped forward to take my hand and the others got out the bus, strolling down the red carpet.

His soft skin touched my hand and squezed it gently. He looked up at me, "You look gorgeous"

"Not too bad yourself" I smirked, as if playing hard to get and pulled him out of the bus. 

We were attacked by flashing cameras and screams of joy. We posed for a few minutes and then walked swiftly down the blood red carpet which clashed with my dress. I was nervous- too many people- Aston seemed to sense that and he held onto my hand to support me. No words were needed.

When we reached the glass doors we turned and gave a quick wave to the people and walked into the fancy doorway. The other boys were waiting with the woman who escorted us to the ballroom. I don't know why Aston called it a conference, more like a big party, banquet. Loads of important people were there, mixed with others who weren't so important.

Aston walked me round introducing me to everyone. On our way we picked up multiple glasses of wine and such. And I must admit, we got a bit wobbley. At about 20:30 everyone was summoned to the MAHUSIVE table in the vast dining room. The table was literally covered in all sorts of foods, ranging from tiny starters to extravagent desserts. I was sat next to Marvin and JB. Aston was positioned directly across from me. We would make faces at each other and basically have a conversation with no words. Meanwhile everyone else was chatting away, completely oblivious of our little 'miming session'.

Once dinner was finished everyone was rounded up in a another massive room with a small stage at the front. Me and the boys were situated on the table just behind the podium. One by one, the boys were called to collect an award and make a short speech. In Astons speech he spoke of how he wouldn't have been standing there without me. Then he thanked me publicly and pulled me up to the podium with me. Then he presented his award to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was so shocked and happy and confused and nervous that all I did was stand there staring at him.

The after party lasted till about 11 but me and Aston left early. We sat in the music room on the coach and he played me songs he had witten himself. Once his hands were aching we wondered into my room and snuggled up on the bed to watch a film. Mel brought us hot chocolate and popcorn. Because it was a horror film, I felt obligated to cling hopelessly onto his arm... Okay, maybe I was a little scared.

The credits were just coming on and he leaned over took my hand and told me I was beautiful, then he kissed me. I just let him. Then I kissed him back.

It wasn't long before a knock at the door disturbed us. JB peeped his head round the door and beemed at us.

"Sorry to interupt, but we are at the hotel now."

"Thanks J..." He stared at JB, waiting for him to leave.

"...Oh. See you in a minute." He left.

We stared at each other for a moment and then both passionately dived in for a kiss.

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