Chapter 1

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The news was shocking, horrifying in fact. I couldn't bare the fact that JLS would be no more because Astons lung had given up. Just thinking about it made me feel sick with grief. They had worked so hard to get to where they were and deserved to continue their right to fame.  

They announced on the news that they were desperately searching for a match to Astons lung. With me being 19 (almost 20) I had the right to make my own decisions so as much as my mum was against it I went to my local hospital to find out my type to see if I was a match. They gave me my type.... There's nothing else to say but I was a match.  

Without thinking I whipped out my phone and called the news then they diverted me to JLS manager and he was over the moon. (Or at least he sounded it anyway). I knew that giving my lung meant my life ambition would be shattered but at that moment I wasn't thinking about that. 

I had always wanted to be a singer, to be as big as JLS. My ambition had always been to be in the spotlight with cameras flashing and fans screaming. Paparazzi snapping pics for the magazines and constant interviews on tv shows. Spending hours in a recording studio with my band, manager and song writer. But if I gave my lung then I would be giving away my chance for any of that to happen.

When I woke up the next morning it was just a normal morning, or so I thought. I trudged down the stairs of my victorian style house in my scruffy dressing gown, covering my new Jls pyjammas (I know, I am a sad 19 year old, but what can I say?) A thought hit me while I was pouring my normal breakfast of cheerios. I realised it was bin collection day so I rushed out to put the bins out and was bombarded by cameras, microphones, and people throwing questions at me. Startled, I stood and stared at the crowds covering my lawn. After a few minutes I took a deep breath and began answering questions.

"Why are you giving your lung to Aston?" A woman yelled, shoving a mic in my face.

"I have always been a big fan of Jls and I would simply hate it if they broke up because of something I could have stopped." I said softly.

"Will you plan on metting Aston in the near future, seen as you will be his hero?" Another shouted.

"I wouldn't say hero, I'm just giving him something he needs to carry on his career. I would love to meet him, but that is not my intention, as I said, I just want them to carry on their career and live their dream because they mean a lot to me." I replied.

"What about your relationship with your mother, we here she doesn't approve of this?" One said in a high pitched voice.

I tried not to giggle.

"My mother has no control over me or my decisions. I wilol do this and if she doesn't want anything to do with me then so be it. If she loved me she would let me do this." I didn't mean to snap, but I did.

Just as I was about to answer another question a familliar face pushed through the crowd.

"You can't do this! You will never be a singer. I just want you to be happy sweetheart, please don't do this. What about your dream? Just think about it!" My mums voice was loud but a soft tone.

Before I could speak to her crowds of people surrounded her with their big mics and desperate questions. While they were distracted I ran into my house and slammed the door. Tears rolled down my face as I pondered over my options, I had to do this, but I didn't want to loose my mother. I had put on a strong face for the cameras but she was almost everything to me. But so was he. Bravely I stormed upstairs and put on a nice sparkly top and some jeans. On the way out the door I slipped on my trainers. When I opened the door I ran, pushing through the crowds. The chased after me as I dived into my car. The engine roared to life and I sped off my drive. I drove round the corner, hoping to loose them. Speeding, I headed towards the hospital.

There was an empty space not far from the entrance so without hesitation, I parked there. As fast as I could I rushed to the doors and to reception. I demanded to see my doctor immediately. The nurse looked at me blankly and then a flicker of realisation made her realise who I was. I wasn't little miss non important anymore, I was soon to be miss life saver of Aston Merrygold. She smiled at me and sent me through to him. He sat in his leather chair typing on his dinosaur of a computer.

"How can I help you, Miss waters?" He asked as if he was expecting me.

"I want to do the transplant now." I announced "Before I change my mind" I mumbled.

"Very well" He nodded.

"Really?" I was surprised.

"Of course, we will just need a few details, as we will have to keep you over night."

He passed me a piece of paper in the layout of some kind of form to fill out. Then he handed me a pen and I began filling it out. Once I had finished he led me to the theatre to prepare for my op. In the background I could hear someone on the phone telling JLS' manager that I was ready for the operation. As they lay me on the operating table the nerves began to build up and my breaths became quicker.

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