Chapter 3

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So the Saturday came pretty quickly and that was a relief because after been stuck in a hospital for 5 days I got really bored! Obviously I was packed, I pretty much had my whole house in my bags. Don't ask me why, I was just so excited that I felt like I needed to pack everything! The other thing was, I was just so eager to get away from all the camera crew sat outside me house and attacking me with questions every time I left my house. I spent the whole Saturday looking out the window for him. At around 12 he showed up in an all black limo. He got out, pushed through all the camera crew and knocked on my door, but I had already opened it. He didn't say anything, neither did I. We just gazed into each others eyes but after a few moments he spoke.

"Has anyone ever told you you're beautiful?" he said lovingly.

I blushed a rosie pink and looked down at the ground. He lifted my chin up kissed me.

Then I pulled away, don't even ask why! I just did. We paused for a moment before I broke the awkward silence.

"Shall we go then" I said in a cheery voice turning and picking up my bags.

"I'll get them" He insisted.

We both reach for a bag at the same time and for a minute our hands touched. This time he pulled away.

"I'm sorry" We said in harmony.

Then we gazed at each other and laughed. His laugh was sweet and it brought joy to my heart. He picked up two bags and walked out the door, pushing through the floods of people. Body guards pushed the public and press away, forming a path for us. I hesitated for a moment, watching him.

"Are you coming?" He smirked back at me.

I smiled to myself then picked up my other bags and ran after him. The driver of the posh limo took my bags and put them in the boot while Aston helped me in the limo. I sat on the leather seat and he budged up next to me. The music was playing smoothly in the background as we drove down the familliar roads covered in crowds of people waving.

"Oh, I love this song!" I burst out.

Aston smiled at me and then spoke "Oliver, could you turn up the music please?"

Seconds later the music was louder and me and Aston were moving slowly to the music.

"How long have you been a fan?" He asked.

"Since you first went on the X factor, I loved you so much, I love you so much." I blurted. "I mean, a while, I like you and the band a lot, your music is really good" I said trying to sound cool and calm even though I was really the complete opposite.

I looked out the window and watched the vehicle come to a hault.

"You ready to meet the boys?"

"Am I?" I joked.

He gave me his hand and supported me out of the limo. Parked just next to us was a huge coach (their tour bus) I gazed up at it in admiration. The driver loaded my bags into my room as Aston led me onto the bus. When I walked in the three boys scattered around the room. The first to greet me was Marvin.

"So you're the one who saved our carreer" He leaned in closer "And stole Astons heart" He laughed a little and gave me a hug. "Welcome".

I turned to see Aston blushing. And when I turned back JB was stood in front of me. He gave me a big hug.

"Awww, I'm so happy you're here, welcome to our family! You and Aston make such a cute couple."

Behind me aston was shaking his head and signalling him to stop. Inside I was flipping with excitement but I tried to play it cool. Over in the corner was Ortise sat reading a book, he looked over and just smiled at me. I waved at him but he just casually nodded back at me.

"Shall I show you to your room?" Aston asked politely.

I gave him a cheeky smile "If you so wish"

He led me towards the back of the bus where there was a corridor of doors. We passed a few and then he opened one.

The room was quite vast considering it was on a coach. The back wall was covered in a beautiful, stylish, flowery wallpaper and the other walls were a cream. The bed was pushed up against the back wall and had a wood frame and the sheets matched the flowers on the wall. A soft and fluffy cream carpet beneath my feet and a an electric fireplace across from the bed. Above the fire was a gigantic signed portrait of JLS and to the left of that, a modern bookcase stacked with books. I looked at Aston with an overjoyed look and flung my arms round him.

"I love it!" I announced.

"I had Mel pick it all out for you, I didn't know what you liked."

"You had the room re-done for me?" I said surprised unwrapping my arms from him.

"Yeah, it used to be mine. I'm gonna crash with Marv. Anyways I leave you to do whatever you want to do. We are stopping at a conference/awards ceremony with our crew at 7 for tea so choose a nice dress to wear. Mel went shopping and bought you some dresses to wear to all our meetings and awards nights and concerts and whatever. I know what you girls are like with clothes. So I'll leave you to it, come out whenever, bathrooms second left and the lounge where you came through you're welcome to any time. There is a doorbell just beside your bed, ring it if you want food, drink or anything else and Mel and Gean will sort you out. Bye."

"Thank you, see you later"

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