Chapter 1

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Bryce's yellow cat ears fluttered as he thought of how Ryan would react, and the others of corse, to him being a cat. He shouldn't have even answer that text from Ryan. And if he could go back in time, he would use his usual excuse of, "I have to babysit" or just a plain, "too busy, sorry,". But no, he had to say yes this time. He's going to turn into dinner.

Bryce felt his stomach flip, he was so nervous. His palms were sweaty, and his hair was a mess, but he put his beanie on and grabbed his duffle bag. He was leaving for Boston right now, no take-backs, in order to meet his friends, who will probably hate him after this and try to kill him. Best vacation plan ever, right?

With a heavy breathe, he opened his front door. He stumbled out into the street filled with many more hybrids. Everyone seemed to be dead silent, as if they knew that Bryce felt sick to his stomach. Or they all knew Bryce was a cat. Could people tell? Was it that obvious? Was he that oblivious of his surroundings?

He's probably the only cat hybrid in his neighborhood. And he wouldn't be surprised if he was the only cat hybrid in Georgia. His stomach burnt more as he smelt nothing but dogs, wolves, and more scents he wasn't used to as he roamed the streets, nearly halfway to the airport. Why couldn't he have been born a wolf? Or at least a dog?

He huffed out another breathe, peeking around at people, before putting his earbuds in. His stomach may have burned, churned, and felt sour, but he was tired of hiding who he  truly was. Of who he was born as, and if Ryan, or anybody else didn't except it, he would walk away. And maybe cry, because he loves his friends.

Especially Ryan.
The lady on the intercom said something about being in Boston, which terrified Bryce. He looked out the window, watching as the plane seemed to slowly reach ground. He didn't care, though. He was wishing that the plane wasn't really in Boston right now. He was hoping he chose the wrong plane on accident. But he didn't. He toke the right plane, and he was in Boston. Just a few miles away from the gaming convention, a few miles away from his hotel, and a few miles away from Ryan.
Finally off the plane and situated, Bryce texted the person picking him up.
Bryce: hey Ry, mind picking me up?
Ryan: sure, I'll be over in 10

Bryce couldn't breathe. He leaned against a wall, breathing in deeply as he tried catching his breathe. How was he going to explain anything to Ryan? How was he supposed to tell Ryan he was a cat? He had to stop himself from thinking.

But how the hell was he supposed to do that?

Ryan's image kept flashing through his head. A stubble, muscular arms and body, beautiful hazel eyes, amazing smirk, cute short hair that...Bryce had to stop himself from thinking again. He was about to call Ryan hot, wasn't he? He was about to...

"Bryce!" Somebody called his name out. Startled, the blonde turned slowly, only the engulfed in a large hug. The person nuzzled themselves into Bryce's sweatshirt, mumbling inaudible words.

"Wh-what?" Bryce asked, getting flustered. He knew it was Ryan, because of the two gray wolf ears sticking from the short, brown hair. And because of the two overly muscular arms that draped around Bryce's torso.

"I said, 'I've missed you so much'. Bryce, I'm so happy you decided to come this time," Ryan pulled out of the hug, his expression stern. "Wait, why did you want to come this time and not any of the other times?"

Bryce gulped. "The other times, I was busy. I was busy this time, but I decided to come see you anyways..." Bryce lied. Ryan could tell it was a lie, but he didn't care. He just continued to hug Bryce.

"Okay, whatever you say," Ryan muttered, pulling himself back into Bryce's sweatshirt. With a sigh of relief, Bryce hugged back, his blonde hair peeking outfit the beanie he was wearing. If Ryan asks why he's wearing the beanie, he'll just say he's cold. No more questions asked.

My Kitten Bryce|| BrOhm|| ~Hybrid AU~Where stories live. Discover now