- Chapter 2 -

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I was waiting for Aaron to get home from the studio. It was our seven month anniversary. I knew that when Aaron got home, he wouldn't want to go out anywhere. I decided to order pizza. It finally got there. I paid for it, and set it up on the counter. I wanted to make the apartment look a little nice, so I put out some candles with some roses I bought earlier that day. I turned on the tv, and put on Netflix. I got out some blankets and set them on the couch for Aaron and I to cuddle. I put on a grey tee shirt with patterned leggings and fuzzy socks. I put my hair in a messy bun. I wanted to look cute, so put on mascara and a little bit of lipgloss. I waited for Aaron to get home. I finally heard the keys in the door. I quickly ran behind the corner. When Aaron came around you scared him.

"Boo!" I started laughing.

"Oh, hi babe!" Aaron said with a fake smile on his face. He went in for a hug, but I blocked him by putting my hands on his shoulders.

"Babe, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He said, wrapping his arms around me. When he let go, I told him what I had planned for tonight.

"So, I was thinking, since you don't want to go out tonight, I ordered pizza, and I was thinking we could watch a movie and cuddle. How does that sound."

"Sounds great, baby! Let me go get changed, okay?"

"Okay!" I said smiling, and I ran to the couch. I was a little worried that Aaron wasn't happy, but I tried to stay positive. Tonight was a special night to spend with him. He came out of his room with a tee shirt and sweatpants on.

"What do you want to watch?"

"I don't know. Let's see what we have." We both decided on "The Jungle Book". Aaron and I both loved Disney movies, and this was one of our favorites. I was getting tired, and I could tell Aaron was, too. Before I knew it, Aaron was asleep. I looked over at him, and his eyes were closed, and he was lightly breathing.

"Goodnight, handsome. Happy seven months!" I whispered to him, before kissing him. I cuddled up next to him, and fell asleep.


Note from Rae:

Sorry if you didn't like this chapter. I know this was short. Some chapters will definitely be smaller than others. - Rae

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