25.Breaking his heart

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The run wasn't so bad were all in sports and all though I'm lazy I actually like running it gives me time to think. We got to the O'riens home and I asked Michael for some sweats and a T-shirt. He handed me some. As I was walking out I stopped to tell him "oh and Mikey?"

"yeah" he looks up a smile evident on his face?

"I'm gonna keep these shorts OK, thanks!" I ran off to the restroom.

"Aww man", is all I heard him say.

I showered and put on the clothes Michael let me borrow/ have. I'm now wearing some Adidas sweats that Michael let me keep. He said they're to tight for him but that's how these are meant to be but I didn't say anything because hey free Adidas sweats.
He also let me borrow a muscle shirt he said he's never worn and some Nike socks. I put the shorts in Andy's room and threw the shirt in Michaels dirty clothes basket. We were just gonna watch a movie downstairs after breakfast. I only had my small purse with me with little makeup but enough to look good. I'm to comfortable with them to care whether I put on makeup or not so I decided against it and only put Chapstick. I dried my hair a bit with the towel and left it down to dry. The boys like to have the AC on all day so when we got done with eating breakfast Michael noticed that I was cold. We were already done cleaning and were walking to the living room. I was rubbing my arms for warmth.

I'm gonna grab my phone from upstairs I mentioned.

"No I'll grab it I need to get mine anyway! Where is it?"

"Under Andy's pillow on the side I slept on."

He finally came back and handed me my phone and a sweater and walked to the couch I was confused so I sat by him.

"Here's your sweater."

"Oh no I brought it for you, its the only clean one I've got." he laughs.

"Oh thanks." I didn't even think he would notice that I was starting to get cold. I was gonna grab one of Andy's hoodies when I went upstairs to get my phone.

Andy sat next to me so I sat right in the middle of the both of them. I get a message and put down my brightness in case either of them tried to read my message. Its from Andy?

"That's his favorite lucky sweater he never lets anyone use it!?

" The one I'm wearing isn't it the other dark green one?"

"I'm his brother, I'm sure its that green one. He doesn't even like my mom washing it he does it himself."


"Well I'm sure he lets like his girlfriends use it?"

"We went to the fair with dates once and his date went dressed with no imagination left to the eye and when it started to get cold she asked for his sweater and he made me give her mine. So I doubt it."

"Well should I take it off and give it to him and grab a blanket instead?"

"No its gonna be obvious that were texting and that I told you. I just don't want to see him hurt is all."

"Neither do I."

We left it at that and watched the whole movie in peace. When It finished Michael asked me what movie I wanted and I said actually I think its time for me to leave. I got up and started to take off his sweater. "Thanks for letting me use it and Ill wash this clothes I pointed at the clothes I was wearing and give it back to you."

"Ah what leaving already?"

"Yes I have my own family you know?" I laugh.

"Yeah but your parents aren't even home!"

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