"You.. used me." I growl and he clenches his jaw.

"Well don't state the obvious." He scoffs.

"You asshole.." I grunt as he traces the knife along my cheek.

"I guess my plan didn't work, did it?" He looks at me in the eyes.

As I try to lift my arms to punch him in the face, he grabs them and pins them above me with one hand.

"But I'll tell you what," he says and closely leans towards me.

My eyes widen a little as there is little space between us.

"Half of my plan wasn't acting." His lips brush against mine as he talked.

I turn my head to the side, avoiding eye contact with him.

"What the hell do you mean?" I spit and he pulls away, tilting his head to the side.

"You know exactly what that means, Harley." He replies as I squirm around.

I instantly regret my decision as the knife cuts my cheek due to me moving. I wince and he raises his eyebrow. "Don't move dumbass." He says.

I glare up at him and kick his stomach, making the knife cut deep into my cheek but luckily he fell over.

I quickly straddle him as he tries to grab the knife but I kick it away. I land punches onto his face as he grunts.

"You. Fucking. Bitch!" I say with each punch.

Once I stop I grab his chin and face him towards me. "Tell me where the weapons are , now." I spit in his face, our noses almost touching.

He chuckles as blood drips out of his nose. "You actually think I would tell you?" He replies.

I suddenly hear the whistle, signaling us to leave. I turn my head towards the door and huff.

"You wasted my time." I spit and get off of him. "I actually thought you were a normal person, that would care for me as much as I did for you." I spit at him as he leans up, looking shocked.


"Yes, Carl. I did, but not anymore." I say as he leans against the wall when he stands.

"You are all the same, all of you bitches from Alexandria." I say and turn around to leave but he grabs my wrist.

"Listen." He says. "I never knew this until now, but I've taken such a liking to you that I can't even explain what I'm feeling." He says, taking his hat off and putting it on the table, a saddened expression full of regret on his face.

I glare at him, "considering we were both just beating the living shit out each other, what more do you have to say?" I say, leaning against the door frame.

His view slowly drops down to my neck and his gaze softens. "I-I'm sorry.." he says.

I rub my neck, "is it bruised?" I ask and he nods, biting his lip.

"Thanks for almost killing me." I say. "Yeah, I can say the same." He replies.

I sigh in annoyance and walk towards him, reaching into my pocket, pulling out a small towel I carry for wounds.

He steps back a little, "I'm not going to hurt you." I say.

"Considering the beating I just got, you can't blame me." He replies.

I wipe the blood away from his nose and face and huff.

"A great day wasted." I mumbled and turned to leave.

"Harley," he stops me again. "What do you want sheriff boy?" I reply.

"I-I.. I can't explain this in words I-" he cuts himself off with a frustrated sigh.

"C'mon spit it out, I have to go." I say and he sighs.

He looks impatient with himself as he looks at me up and down, deciding what to say. "I.." he grunts in annoyance.

I cross my arms, leaning on my right foot.

"Motherfucker.." he growls under his breath and rushes towards me, before I can comprehend what is going on, he grabs me by my chin and places his lips on mine.

My eyes widen as his hand reaches the back of my head. He pulls me closer to him.


I pull away and put my head down with a frustrated huff. "Carl d-don't do that." I mumble.

"Harley please-"

"No, I trusted you and you betrayed me." I say. "I told myself not to fall for you.." I growls under his breath. "Goddamnit!" He yells.

"Carl you tricked me!" I yell and he pulls me towards him.

"And you're selfish!" He yells. "How the hell am I selfish?!" I yell back.

"Because you don't even care about the fact that I fell for you, a-and I tried to deny it but deep down I knew I couldn't." He replies.

I look up at him. "Harley! Get your ass over here!" I hear my dad yell.

He places his hand on my cheek, wiping the blood off of my bruised skin. "I-I'm sorry Carl. I can't, you abused my trust. You fucked up, you tried to use me to kill my father!" I slap his hand away.

I grab my shotgun off the floor and sling it over my shoulder I turn around to see him leaning over the table on his elbows with his head in his hands.

"I-I'll see you around, Carl." I mutter under my breath. I walk out the door, and shut it, proceeding towards the grey van.

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