Chapter 1 rejection.

Start from the beginning

I stop in my tracks as I see who is the one with the mouthwatering scent. There standing before me is Roy Weston soon to be Alpha of the blood moon pack.

"MATE," the word rolls off my tongue before I can stop it. My heart pounds in my chest I beg that he didn't hear me but he did. I curse the wolf hearing.

He turns to me looking happy but when he sees who I am his smile fades and is replaced with a scowl. And the love in his eyes turns into anger. My heart breaks into a million pieces when I see his disgust.

"You can't be my mate. You're not attractive, or strong you're an omega and I an alpha I need a strong and beautiful mate to be my Luna not a thing like you," he spat making me flinched

I felt my heart shatter into pieces this was supposed to be the happiest day of my life the day my mate came as my knight and shining armor to save me I guess I was wrong. I knew this would happen but I had hope. And now that hope is gone buried under six feet of dirt with the rest of my hopes and dreams that had gone before it.  

But as if it weren't enough for Roy he kicked and punched the life out of me. These hits were worse they were full of anger and rejection.  But for some reason the pain in my heart was worse much worse.  

When he finished he spit in my face and walked away leaving me on the floor with a pool of my own blood surrounding me. I stood up wiping the tears of my cheeks and headed to get a towel to clean up the mess.

As I kneeled down to clean I felt a sharp pain on my back at first I thought I was shifting but then I saw it wasn't it, the slut of the pack named Megan had her high heel on my back. She pressed down pushing me to the floor causing more pain I knew she had stabbed me with her heel as soon as I felt a warm sticky liquid run down my back.

She let out a horrible high pitched laugh and walked away with her clones right behind her. I can do this anymore I can't keep letting them treat me like this I know what I must do. It was something I had been wanting to do for so long but needed a little push to help me decide. And it finally came this was the last straw.

When all had finished eating and left for school I pretended to be focused on my cleaning duties. Today I was going to ditch school but for a good reason. I am going to escape this hell hole I don't care about my brother Dan he treats me the same as everybody else so it wouldn't hurt leaving him.

When I was sure everybody had left I went to my room grabbed the little belongings I had and put them in a small bag. I grabbed my mothers bracelet she gave me that day she died.

And a small teddy bear my father gave me when I was five. Grabbing the little nice clothes I had I was about to leave when I remembered I had to leave a note. They might not read it or even care but If someone finds it I want to make sure that they never go looking for me.

To who ever reads this shit of a letter,

I am sick and tired of all the abuse in this house. I thought a pack should take care of one another but I see I was wrong.

To My brother Dan or should I still call you a brother when we were little you said you would never let anybody hurt me but now I see you didn't mean it. I didn't really care if others hurt me but what hurt me the most was when you would hit me mom and dad would have been very disappointed in you.

To Ass hole AKA Roy I always thought my mate would save me from all this and would protect me but I see that I was wrong. The moon goddess must have done a mistake you will never be my mate. I hate you actually I hate all of you go to hell!

I will never return to this shit of a pack or to you Roy I will be free and happy maybe I will find my true mate and a pack that will love me and care for me a pack that will love me for who I am and treat me as part of a family.

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