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Slight trigger warning; self harm

I went back upstairs to my bedroom with Dean following behind me "I'm sorry for telling him, I was ju-" I cut him off with a kiss. He started to kiss back and move our lips together in sync "don't worry about it" I pulled him onto the bed with me and pulled the comforter over the both of us. "I just want to sleep"
"Alright baby" he kissed my forehead.


"Can we have Castiel Novak to the office please" the classroom pa came on. I got up and walked to the office silently. I knew this was about the threats, but for some reason I was still nervous. They could say I'm lying or just brush it off. When I got in the principles office I seen dad sitting in one of three chairs facing the principle's. "Hello Castiel, we're just waiting on Dean now" as she said that Dean walked in "right on time" she exclaimed. He smiled at all of us. He sat next to me and the principal, Mrs Harvelle, cleared her throat "so I heard you have been getting some threats. Is this true, Castiel?"

"Yes" I admit. "And what are these people saying?" She asks, although we all know she knows the answer already "that I should kill myself and that people will come for me if I don't get out of the relationship I'm in"
She furrows her eyebrows "why would they say that? Who are you in a relationship with?" Well, maybe she actually doesn't know the whole situation "me" Dean speaks up "Castiel and I are in a relationship"

She turns her attention to Dean "oh, so because you're both romantically involved with each other, people are taking it a bad way and threatening you?"

"Not exactly" i mumble "well then what is the problem? Why are they threatening you?" I can tell this story is already confusing for her and she's probably totally lost so I just decide to tell her everything all in one go the best I can

"Dean is a very known guy, everyone thinks he's attractive and everybody wants to get with him. Then when I came along and they found out about Dean and I being together they all lost their shit. They all want me out of the picture because they think that maybe if I'm not there, they will have a chance to be with him. So they tell me to kill myself, they'll beat me up, they'll start rumors and make him hate me and that they will find a way to get me out, no matter what it takes. Then there's the occasional person who will say a thing or two about me being gay"

She takes a moment to go through the story in her head and get it straight

"Okay, now Dean" she turns to him once again "have you gotten any threats or noticed the threats being said to him?"

"I haven't gotten any threats no, but I didn't have a chance to notice the threats he was getting because I took him out of school once I found him too upset to focus on the next classes he had" he admits. Dad already knew we didn't go back to period 5 and 6, he didn't care though, he actually said it was a good idea for Dean to do that.

"Alright, well would you be able to give me any names of the people?"
I hesitate and realize that no, I don't know any names..because I don't know anybody in this school excluding Dean "um, no"

She looks confused, but nods "well I'll keep an eye out and if you happen to get any evidence of the threats bring them in and I'll report it to the police, alright?"

"Alright" me, Dean and dad all say in unison "thank you" dad said to her and shook her hand. We all left and went home because school was over in a half hour so dad signed us both out.


The front door opened and Gabe came in with Brianna behind him. Brianna is okay, but she doesn't like me very much. I think it's because I'm always with Gabe when she's around and she just gets jealous because we're so close, which is dumb but that's my interpretation of it. "Hey Gabe" I greet him when he walks into the living room "hey, how is everything? Dad told me what happened last night and I was going to come home and see you but dad said you fell asleep"

I glance at Brianna and she's smirking a little. I brush it off and look back at Gabe "we dealt with it at school, the principal told me to report it again if there's evidence" I informed him. "Can I see?" He asks cautiously. I make eye contact with him and then look at Brianna, who is looking at her phone, and back at him. Hoping he will get the hint. Apparently it worked bevause he cleared his throat "hey Bri? Can you wait for me upstairs?" She rolls her eyes and gives me a death glare, but walks upstairs anyway.

I look at Dean and back at Gabe "I'm sorry" I whisper to both of them because I'm aware that it'll hurt them both to look at it, even if Dean's already seen them. I roll up my sleeve and face my forearm toward Gabe. The cuts are pretty deep, they're red and they are swollen in certain areas. Dad fixed them up last night after my nap. I didn't want to wake Dean so I just got dad since he was up and I didn't know how to deal with it myself.

Gabe's breath hitched and his eyes started to water, he's never seen them this bad before, maybe a scratch here and there but never this bad "Cas" he starts "please don't" I cut him off before I get lectured by him. I didn't want him to cry nor did I want to do it myself "I'm sorry" I repeat.

He hugged me and rolled my sleeve down "I'm always here if you need to talk" he whispers before I tell him to go upstairs, Brianna's waiting.

"Want to take a nap?" Dean asks "yeah" I mumble, crawling into his arms that he has open for me. I trace his moles and freckles on his arm until I fall asleep.

I always cause so much drama, I don't mean to. I just wish it'll all stop.

Broken  -Destiel-Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant