Happy Sticks

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It was around four in the evening. I was leaning against a table in a corner of the room. There was a guy up on the mini stage talking about how all of us should do our own chores and be good at school. That was the basically all they were telling us here. Being good in your teenage leads to being well off in your adulthood. What a load of bullshit. No matter where  you go, what you do, society tries controlling you, taming you like you're a screwed up dog needing to be fixed.

 I felt like taking a smoke. They didn't have any signs inside saying you couldn't smoke but I never smoke inside unless everyone is smoking. I took out a cigarette anyway and rolled it around, between my fingers.

 I looked around the place and my eyes landed on a girl across the room. Like myself, she was leaning against a table, except it had refreshments on it. She had short ginger hair and her eyes were a very light shade of blue. That combination in my opinion, was breath taking.

 She looked my way and we locked eyes, she smiled. I smiled back. She pointed at the tea, asking me if I wanted some, I nodded. With the cigarette, I pointed at her raising my eyebrows and pointed at the door with my other hand. She smiled and nodded picking up the disposable cups of tea. She pointed at the sugar, asking me if I wanted any, I said no. We headed towards the door and when we got close I said hey, she did the same while she handed me my cup. I thanked her. 

" Cigarette? " I offered

"Sure" she smiled and took one from the box I had stretched towards her. 

I lit my own and lit hers for her. I felt a little kick of something like adrenaline in my stomach.

" So..." I took a drag. " learn anything here? "

" Yeah, I learned how to be a good girl." she chuckled.

"I learned how to waste resources. I mean, I bet it wasn't cheap gathering these people through those banners and flyers plus renting this place and all." I lifted my cup

"They didn't exactly pay for this. All this is funded." She informed me.

"Oh..." I sipped my tea.

"It is a waste of resources though. They could of done anything. I mean, they could of at least done this right. Hire some professionals." She sipped into her cup. "coming here turned out to be a waste."

"I wouldn't say a complete waste. "  I mumbled. I'm sure she heard. I mean, we're standing side by side. Great going, Viola.

"Yeah." she smiled looking forwards. 

Her saying that eased me a little.

"What's your name?" I asked her

"Adeline. What's yours?"


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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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