3 more months later....

100 5 1

A/N This chapter will be really short...


So in total it's been 6 mouth I had this baby inside of me and well now I'm really showing a bump. But the thing is, its kinda funny to have it because Mike and Tony will come over and when they try to hug me they will dramatically push themselves back to the wall. But what I never knew was that Mike and Tony were a couple, they started dating when Vic wanted to marry me in the baby shower. So really, baby stuff really take up my social life and I need to catch up. Babe, do you want to watch a show with me? said Vic as he show up in the kitchen, Sure, let me grab the popcorn and get you and me a drink. As i grab a bowl of popcorn and grab water for me and Vic Pepsi. What show do you want to watch? asked Vic Which ever you want to watch. I said while walking to the living room with the food.  Ok, lets watch The Walking Dead, as Vic puts netflix on and put on TWD.

[Later on.......]    

[ POV:Kellin

As I watch the characters fight the walkers, I felt a sharp pain in my tummy and it hurt like hell. This keep happening only 5 times, but i think its because I sit to much. Babe, what's wrong, are you alright, is the baby ok, is it coming, omg...omg....as Vic just started to panic. It was funny because Vic started to get and run around the house trying to get the stuff ready.  No, Vic it's OK, my tummy just hurt, then it came to me and I started to laugh, Vic looks at me confused. Why are you laugh? Said Vic as he came up to me, I'm stupid because what is happening is that the baby is kicking, want to feel it. As I grab Vic hand and put it on top of the part that the baby is kicking. He just smiled and I saw a sparkle in his eyes when he felt it, You know it's good for the baby if you speak to her. I said, Hey baby girl it's me your papa, I'm with your daddy and I think your daddy made me like dumb right now but I hope it works. Vic just looks at me and laugh.

Hey guys its me, sorry for not giving you author's notes but......... I want to say is that I may end this story soon. Just want to say please comment down below if you want a sequel to this story. Also, comment down below which band fandom you want me to write about! So yeah bbbbyyyyyyyyeeeee!

I love You and I Love It [Kellic Mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now