8 - Sweet Love and Sexy Chameleons

Start from the beginning

"Lila, I really–"

"Did Bella always call Edward by his full name? I feel like in our generation, that's kind of an awkward name. Edward, make sweet love to me–"

"What is with you and sweet love?"

"Edward, play the piano for me. Edward, let me hop on your back and we can run through the forest..." 

"Well," Dresden, who I'd almost forgotten about, pitched in, "I think the whole point of having a name like Edward was to highlight that Edward wasn't exactly from this century." 

I laughed, but of course Lila didn't hear him and just continued rambling obliviously. I got up and walked into the kitchen.

"What do you need Dresden?"

"Could you come into the lab today? There's something you should see."

"The lab?" I asked skeptically. Dresden had managed to get a part time job at Blaze labs after he'd spent so much time there with Finn and me. I, however, had left that place behind. Too many bad memories.

"Come on Anna Banana, don't you want to save the Big Apple?"

"Your attempt to persuade me is fruitless." 

"Stop being so dramatic and get your ass over here," he snapped and hung up before I could reply. Grumbling, I trudged back over to where Lila was philosophising about making "sweet love" (internal eyeroll) to a vampire must be like. Would your lady bits get all cold? She speculated.

"To be honest, I really don't want to know," I sighed.

"What's got you all down in the gutter?" Lila tilted her head. Sometimes she acted more like a dog – cocks her head when she's confused, constantly hyper, loves to play fetch for whatever reason... – than her feline counterpart. "I know what'll cheer you up!"

Lila's body started bulging and growing until it took the shape of a massive wildcat. Her fingernails grew to claws and her hair began shimmering and getting lighter. Pretty soon her whole body was covered in a sleek coat of fur the colour of light coffee.

"If I ever bust out that old super suit again, you can be my animal sidekick," I chuckled and stroked her head. She purred affectionately and butted my hand with her head. 

Sometimes, when Lila was in cat form, I would forget she was my best friend. We used to play fight a lot together when we were kids, but since she got her powers, the only time we'd tackle each other was when she was in feline form.

Like she tackled me now.

Giggling, I pushed a heavy paw off my shoulder and sat up. She flopped down on my lap and began rolling all over me, purring as loudly as she could. For some reason, I couldn't stop laughing.

"What the– oh hey Lila," a voice said from the doorway. Terry was home. "Mom said she'll be home late again. She's got another Women's Association meeting or whatever it's called. She said we can order whatever we want." 

"Cool!" I grinned. "Wait... Ugh. Dresden wants me to go to the lab. Order without me and I'll just reheat it when I get home."

"You got it. Is the lioness staying for dinner?" My brother winked at Lila and I swear she giggled - could lions giggle? It came out rumbly like a pur, but I know my best friend... 

"I doubt it," I rolled my eyes at her. She sat up and licked my face. "She'll probably eat me for dinner," I groaned, wiping the saliva off my face. I blinked and Lila was back in human form, licking her hand before she seemed to realise what she was doing. She blushed.

Heartbreak Hero  (#2 in The Super Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now