The Talk

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(Few hours later)

I awoke sometime later in the... b-boss's office. Just like the Slenderman, his office was really creepy. Everything in the room was black except for the ceiling, walls, and a couple of figurines. Usually the only time we're in this cursed room is when he wants us to do a certain task...or we're in some serious s***. "Oh good, you're finally awake." Said Slenderman as he walked to his jet-black desk. "Now that you're aware of your surroundings you can tell me what. In the world. Were you thinking. Yelling at Toby that. What are you, an animal?!" "Uh, I'm a freaking murderer and so is Toby!" I snapped back. Normally, I don't talk back to him like that. But, eh, f*** it. "You treat him like he's your own gosh**** son! You act like Hoodie and me aren't even there!" There was still no response from the boss. At this point, I was on the bridge of tears, "Y-You were a boss/dad to us... the only boss/dad to us! I... I don't understand. Why?" Again, I was crying at this point. "Tim... do you really think I forgot about you? I mean, sure, I put more attention on Toby than anyone nowadays, but that doesn't mean I forgot about you. I treat all of my children with the same care and respect as anyone." Slenderman said with so much sincerity. "But wh-why does Toby need so much attention?" I asked still stuffy with tears. "Toby... never had an actual family. In fact, he came from a very terrible life." "What do you mean?" I asked. "How about I just show you." With that, Boss placed his hand on my forehand which automatically sent me a vision from the past (Fun Fact: Slenderman can give anyone visions with just the touch from his hand.) In the vision, I was (obviously) Toby and I was sitting next to some blond-haired chick in...a car?
I think you all know what's gonna happen in the next chapter. Just bring a box of tissues
(No, seriously, you will cry in the next chapter.😿)

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