Where am I? Pt 2

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(Now we're going back to Masky)

Slenderman finally came down with Toby to eat breakfast. He looked a little startled at first when he saw us, but I think he got over it. All of us sat down and ate our two waffles (which weren't very big, only the size of a mini wallet,) I couldn't believe my ears when boss asked, "Would you like some more, Toby?" Did he seriously just ask Toby if he wanted more  waffles?!? Literally. Just now. if he wanted more. He never asks us if we want more, that's bull****! Kid just responded with, " No tha-thank you, but (tic) I'll take another bi-biscuit please." Sure enough, the little s*** got another biscuit. Slenderman then "looked" at us and said sternly, "Masky! Hoodie! Why are you still here?! Get to work you lazybones! You've got a mission at 10:00 AM, so GET MOVING!!!" Me and Hoodie were then scrambling to get ready. "Sorry for that. Now Toby, finish up so you can get ready too." "Y-Yes Slendy(crack)." Ok, something weird is going on. No one calls Slenderman Slendy. No one!

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