{4} Cinnamon Tobacco Swirls

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{4} Cinnamon Tobacco Swirls

      I couldn't help but glance around the large modern kitchen I had been lead into as the older man in front of me examined my now unbandaged hand. "You were definitely right, he'll need some stitches. Alexi bring me my bag and a few towels!" Josh shouted causing me to wince and attempt to not cower away from him. I caught him glancing at me over the frame of his glasses a grimace tugging at the corners of his mouth. "What was your hand exposed to at the time of the injury?" He asked. I stared at him unable to answer because I wasn't sure what he meant.

      "What got on your hand as you were hurt or directly after it?" A deep voice I now easily recognized as Jarrett's, asked from behind me. I hesitated briefly wondering if it really mattered.

       Opening my mouth to lie, I again thought better of it. Jarrett and his friends were trying to help me and I was about to lie to them. "Rum and coke, in a crystal glass cup," I replied.

       "Didn't picture you for a drinker." I shrugged off his comment. "Did you wash it right away?"

        "No, I cleaned up the spill then cleaned it out."

        "Did you use a chemical or soap and water to clean the spill?"

        "Bleach water." My answer seemed to make him grimace more. "What?"

        "Bleach is a harsh chemical on the skin, it can cause chemical burns and irritation, which is why your hand is so swollen. The bleach made its way into the cuts and probably burned the newly exposed tissue. I can tell you will definitely need stitches in your hand, and maybe a few beside your ear. You have a pretty deep gash back there too." He explained gesturing to the area behind my right ear, that had come in contact with an inconveniently placed lock during my altercation in the locker room. I used my uninjured hand to reach up and touch the tender area, only to see blood when I pulled my palm back. I hadn't really examined myself before leaving the locker room. Suppressing a groan I nodded, as Alexi walked into the room followed by Conner and a few other guys. My body stiffened as I watched them all openly stare at me with unbridled curiosity.

       "Who's this?" One of them asked, his deep voice carrying through the room. I attempted to swallow the growing lump building in the back of my throat and remained quiet.

      "His name's Bryce." Jarrett finally answered the man's question. I glanced over my shoulder to see his onyx eyes already resting on my figure, his face seemingly void of emotion.

       "So you beat the shit out of the poor kid, then what, get him treatment?" Another boy snickered. "Doesn't that defeat the purpose?"

       Jarrett's head snapped up to look at the unnamed boys crowding around the table in the middle of the kitchen. "I didn't hit him." Jarrett snapped, a flash of anger crossing his features. The boys stared at him with amused eyes, apparently used to his angry outbursts. Alexi came forward handing his older brother the bag he was carrying before turning giving me a quick look of what I assumed was approval for not lying.

      "Alright, let's take a seat at the table. We can disinfect your hand then I'll give you something to numb the area and some pills for the pain once were all finished." Josh instructed while motioning toward the table in the center of the room. I couldn't help but stare in awe at the long dark wood table two dark oak benches sat on both sides along with two matching dining chairs on either end. The table looked to fit the large group of boys comfortably, making me wonder how many people lived in this house on a full-time basis.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2020 ⏰

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