4- Shame

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Two POVs in this chapter. 

Four days, twelve hours, and thirteen minutes until launch. 

"Hm? Tell me. What is it?" He only looked at the floor, refusing to answer me. I knew by the burning sensation in my chest that my anger was rising beyond my limits. I scowled at him, and he once again looked away. Obviously ashamed. You should be. 

"'There is a high chance that admins will die'? What is this, Lys? What's going on with you? I thought you were over this! I thought those days were gone! Why are you letting history repeat itself? Hm?" He took a deep breath, and looked me straight in the eyes. 

"August. People are horrible. You've known this, I've known this for quite some time. Look at our world. Waste everywhere, abandoned Pokémon, even children left to fend for themselves! What would Arceus say if it took a look at our world? Do you think it'd be proud? No, I don't think so. I am going to fix this. I'll build a better world out of the ashes of the last. It'll be perfect! All that's missing... is you. Join me. We can build our world together! Establish a new generation! The only thing that's missing is you!" I gasp in pain, looking down at my wrist. There was a rather large red mark there. Something tells me Lys has gone a little too far. 

"I want to peruse my passion. But I love you! I do! Please, August... join me! It'll be so much better after things are cleared up. No more evil contaminating the world! Though, I'm not sure if you'd like this." Hell yes, I don't like this! If he's going to act this way, well! He'd told me to butt out for once, so fine. How'd you like me now, hm? I take a deep breath, and hold my ground. 

"Then leave." I point to the door, and he looks at me in shock. "Go on, leave!" 

"August, be rational. I-"

"Go." He finally turns away from me and opens the door. 

"Fine, then. I'll be in Geosenge if you ever change your mind." Despite how angered he sounded, he shut the door quietly behind him. Litleo walks over to the door and paws at it, meowing. I ignore it, and decide to go to sleep. 


"Could he have been any more irrational? I don't think so!" The Grunts all seemed to agree. 

"Right, Boss. He can get a little blind to things often! I think he needs more sleep. You been keeping him up?" I glared at him. This one, Grunt 36, can get a little suggestive sometimes. 

"No, not usually. Most of the time, I'm too tired to do much of anything after I get home. Mainly because you all keep me here until nine or ten at night. Sometimes, it takes a while for him to convince me. Other times, he doesn't convince me at all." The Grunts, and even a few Admins laughed. 'Arceus, get some action! ' I merely looked at them all, laughing at me. Hm. I guess I somewhat deserved to be laughed at. 

The whole night since then was a blur. I remember drinking a whole lot more wine than I was supposed to, and laughing nonstop. I was actually having a good time for once. I didn't remember much when I woke up in my quarters, still at Geosenge (thank Arceus). But my head throbbed, and everything felt sore. It was awful. But most of all, I felt guilt from leaving August last night. Obviously we both needed time to cool off, but I hadn't expected I'd be kicked out for this long. 

The next day, Augustine ignored me entirely. Didn't even bother to talk with me when we met up in the café. Just grabbed his coffee and headed out, leaving Malva and Diantha behind in wonder. 

"Did you two break up or something?" Diantha asks, Malva slouching beside her. 

"No, actually. I was kicked out for the meantime. I'm not sure if he hates me, but he keeps avoiding me. Can you... talk to him for me? I don't want to upset him." 

"No problem. We'll get ya back in the business. You'll get a lot more love when we're through." She smirks at me, then gets up to leave. Diantha simply shakes her head and follows. 

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