Chapter 15

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I looked out the Hogwarts express window. I was going home for the winter holidays. Jack was going skiing in France. I don't know what Ella, Nathan and William was doing. We still haven't talked.
Later that day I laid in my bed, staring at the roof.
"Teddy?" Harry's voice. "Can I come in?"
Harry came in and sat on my bed.
"How are you?"
"Well, you seem not so great." I looked at Harry. He smiled.
"Well.. I've come into a fight with all my friends, mostly Ella."
Harry was quiet.
"What happened?"
I was quiet.
"Come on Teddy. You need to talk. I'm here."
I looked at Harry. He was smiling.
I sighed, and talked.
"Ella kissed me, but I don't like her that way. Then she got mad and Nathan got mad at me because he is in love with Ella and Will have been grumpy all year but he got mad at me too because I wouldn't tell them that.."
"Wouldn't tell them what?"
"That - That I have a boyfriend."
Harry looked at me. Then he went out my bedroom. Was he mad or something? I sat up, staring at the door.
A little bit later he came in again, with a photo album.
"Look." He said, and opened the book.
There were pictures of Tonks and Remus. Mother and father. From their wedding, from their trips, from them just sitting at home cuddling. My mother was different picture from picture, but I always recognised her. My father looked tired and had scars over his face. They were both so beautiful.
"Remus Lupin was a different man." Harry said. I looked at him. "He was very kind and caring. But at full moon he turned into a werewolf. He was pretty old and tired. It's exhausting being a werewolf. It hurts. But Nymphadora.."
"Tonks." I interrupted.
"Right, sorry. Tonks loved him anyway. True love. She gave birth to you and then went to fight the dark lord. Sadly, both of them died. Togheter. I promised Remus to take care of you like my own, and love you for who you was."
He turned to me, and smiled.
"Which I do. Whatever you decide to do we love you Teddy. Even if you're gay or straight, fat or thin, whatever else you can be.." I laughed. "We are here for you." I smiled.
He gave me the album.
"Here. You have more use of it than I do."
He left to the door, but turned around and said.
"Oh, one last thing."
I looked at him.
"Do you know who helped Remus when he was a werewolf, who helped him in his hardest time?"
"His friends."
I was quiet.
"Soon it's dessert, you don't wanna miss that, do you?"
"No. I'll be right there.. dad."
Harry looked a bit surpised but smiled. I've never called him dad, except when I was little and didn't know better.
I smiled back.
Back at dessert I told the rest of my family that I got a boyfriend (Ginny, James, Albus, Lily) and no one said anything special about it. They just said that they wanted to meet him someday, and James wanted to know if he was hot. The rest of my vacation I played with my siblings and had a great time.

Teddy Lupin; gay?!Where stories live. Discover now