Chapter 7

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Weeks passed by, and Jack and I went on "play dates" every Saturday at five.
Today it was halloween, and we were going to Nick the nearly headless ghosts death day.
"Trust me on this." Jack said with a smile.
I was sceptical.
"What is better than hogwarts halloween meal?"
"Nothing" He answered with a laugh. "But most of the ghosts are pretty cool."
I rolled my eyes but smiled. We entered the ghost party, and it was really something else. Ghosts were passing through me now and then and it felt like a cold shower. There was no food, just dead and old food.
"How are you doing?" Jack smiled.
"I'm doing well, my stomach is not." He laughed. I smiled.
"Come on, I know a place to eat." I smiled at Jack. He looked confused, but followed me.
We went to the kitchen (came in by tickling the pear) and chatted with the house elves and ate the food.
"I had no idea house elves made the food! That is so cool!" Jack really shined up the halls of Hogwarts.
"Well" I said "I'll see you on Monday!"
"DADA with puffs, yes." He winked at me. I smiled back.
Back at the dorm I met William sitting on my bed.
"Hi!" I said, full of joy.
He staid quiet.
"Something wrong?"
He looked at me. Then he opened his mouth and said
"This guy.. Jack?" I nodded.
"You like him?"
I blushed, and then looked down at the floor. I mumbled something unhearable that I didn't know myself what I said.
"There is nothing wrong liking the same gender as you are, Teddy. You know that, right?" I looked at him. William looked so adult like, I don't know why.
"I know, it's just -" I thought for a while "I've never felt gay before." It was weird saying the word 'gay' out loud. I've thought of it so many times the past weeks, but I've never said it.
"That's not weird." William looked at me. "You have to meet the right guy." He forced a smile. Something was up with William, but right now I was just thankful for him being here for me and understanding me, so I pushed that to later.
"Thank you Will." I smiled.
"For what? I just said the truth."
I smiled. William stood up, but he turned around.
"Oh, one last thing."
"Go get him pal."

Teddy Lupin; gay?!Where stories live. Discover now