Chapter 8

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It's Christmas Eve. Almost everyone have left home for family. Ella, Nathan and William have left to, Ella was disturbed I was left alone ("If I knew I would've staid of course!!") but I'm just glad. Because Jack is here, and I'm planning on giving him a special god for Christmas Eve.
We met up by the oak tree, built a snowman and made angels in the snow. It turned dark fast, or maybe it was time that just flew by. We laid in the snow and watched big flames fall from the sky.
Later we were alone in the great hall, decorating trees.
"So how is it living with Harry Potter?"
I laughed. Jack looked at me.
"That is what everyone asks like first question, I wondered when you would ask it."
Jack got a serious look at his face. "It's not because he's famous, it's because he is your family."
I smiled. He was so sweet.
"It's nice, he and Ginny treats me like their owns. They are very kind."
He smiled. I turned to him.
"What is it like living with muggles?"
He laughed.
"Like hell. At least my parents are. They think I'm going to curse them all, but I won't. Well, maybe."
He made a "evil" face and I laughed at him.
"Hey Jack."
"What?" I froze. I had no return now. Maybe I had, but I wanted to do this. But Is as afraid of what he would answer. I looked at him. His hair called down his eyes, and his smile put a light to his whole face. I thought of what William said.
"Would you... Would you want to be my boyfriend?"
He looked kind of surprised for a second there, but then he smiled and said
"I would love to."
All my fears of him saying no or saying I'm weird or saying he don't like me that way just dropped and flew away when he said those four simple words.
I was so happy, I jumped at him and kissed him, right on the lips.
It felt so right, this is what I wanted. He is what I wanted.
"I love you Jack."
"I love you to."
For a while everything was perfect, everything was right.
"Hey Jack"
He smiled brighter than ever. "Yes?"
"Could.. Could we keep this a secret? I haven't told my friends yet, just Will, well he figured it out..."
Jack laughed. "Are you ashamed of me?"
"No no no! It's not that! It's just... I want to tell them before they she us snogging or something.."
He laughed.
"When are you planning on telling them?"
"When I'm ready."
"And when is that?"
"I don't know."

Teddy Lupin; gay?!Where stories live. Discover now