41. Sivabala Yogi & Back to Parthi - Oct 1985

Start from the beginning

Joyously caught 10 AM Puttaparthi bus - the famous ride once again! And arrived at about 3 PM on 1st October, Tuesday. Felt like I was home again, veeeery happy!! I felt fresh and new, back to the shed! Boo – full. Got small space in center of room.

Diane had been kicked out of her room and now was in the shed too. Several people who I remember from November-December had returned; also some from January to May, including some who went back at the ‘foreigner throw-out’ time. Everyone’s coming for Birthday!

Next day, I got a place in the shed along the wall, cuz someone left. Mosquito net already up! Swami’s so kind! Set up my alter and hoped I would stay on the spot awhile - less moving! Until November 1st or so, when this shed (19) will be used for Delegates from the state of Karnataka.

Sai’s been giving nice, long Darshans on the verandah, before bhajans and during the day. Sai continues His ‘normal’ Darshan activities of signing child’s slates, taking letters, making short comments and jokes, cutting a child’s first hair, giving a baby its first solid food and naming it (this is all in Darshan lines!), granting interviews, granting Grace and totally ignoring pitiful “Swami!’ cries.

Rohani from Malaysia arrived the day after me! She had arrived 14 November 1984 and had stayed for 6 months. I really got to know her well in Kodai, where she also was a ‘come for every Darshan super-early’ person. She left in May and has now returned again! I'm waiting for Barbara and other Prasanthi crazies! And here I stayed on in India!!

Construction is still going on full force here. Two Round Houses painted, third one just started to be painted. Expansion of first five sheds complete or almost compete. Finishing touches on many sheds going on all day and all night – hammers pound-pounding etc., etc. Slow progress on foreigner’s canteen, think they’re finally completing the top half though.

They’ve just started paving all the dirt roads inside the ashram! Poornachandra being expanded on both sides. How will they finish by B-day, I wonder!? Walls started, about 2 feet high now, Darshan line-up in different place cuz of it. Mandir painting, in & out, completed. Looks wonderful. New construction projects Sai’s starting every day!!

In Sai’s daily car ride, He checks out the construction by the schools (Hill View Stadium etc.) then inside the ashram. He goes to the sheds/Round Houses area, then drives into the Poornachandra, then walks out the other end (Mandir side) to check and advise in the construction. His out-in-car time has increased 30-40 minutes from before. Ah well, more meditation time for me behind the walls! Loud around that area now though! Pound, pound, crash, scream, yell....

Now Sai is having me feel I should do a lot of meditation, a lot of mantra too. I’ve been getting up to go to the Mandir for Omkar, then back and do some meditation. Then some stretching & yoga. Then cleaning my place, washing clothes, and fixing my own breakfast (or to Canteen). Darshan, bhajan, with meditation after bhajan, until when Swami comes back from His car ride (a 2-hour meditation, plus ½ hour or 1 hour in-between Darshan and bhajan). Then clothes washing and bhajan class (or writing/picture arranging/cleaning) until night Darshan lineup at 4 PM. Darshan, bhajan; then dinner or back to room. Try to do meditation before bed too. Very disciplined life, with every minute used to find God, or to occupy the mind in the right way.

Been going the way of other foreigners, sometimes making my own meals. Buy whole wheat bread, cheese, tomatoes – have a sandwich, plus grapes, guavas and bananas. Get apple juice concentrate so don’t forget to drink enough water (get dehydrated very easily, having only one cup of water only every 1½ day sometimes).

Since I can't afford to buy any more pictures, Sai is going me more for free! Rohani took like 13 rolls of film in Kodai, and has gifted me with 11 pictures I'm in. Pictures coming in from other places too, like SH. I recently got 13 more when I already have over 100, and when I can't afford any more! How’s that for picture-mad! It’s almost as if He wants us to love pictures and worship him through them, God wanting attention gain! Sweet huh.

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