Chapter 15

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I can't believe Allie would do this to me. And especially with one of my bestfriends.

"Sam wait! I can explain!" I hear her chasing after me. I suddenly feel tears starting to run down my cheeks. I can't help it, I love her so much.

"Sam please!" I feel her small hand on my shoulder. I turn around to face her, her eyes are red and puffy. She has mascara running down her cheeks.

"What? Allie I'm not in the mood to do this."

"Can I please explain?"

"I can't take this right now. I'm done."

"A-are you breaking up with me?" She's now sobbing.

"Allie, you were kissing Jc. How is everything going to be fine. How am I not supposed to get mad?"

"I'm sorry. Sam you didn't even let me explain!"

"I don't need you to. I'm sorry, but it's over." I turn around and run to my house and into my room.


He didn't even let me explain. My heart is broken. I don't have the one person I love right now. I am really tired so I call Jc to pick me up.

Me:J-Jc c-can you pick me up?

Jc: Yeah anything for you.

I hang up and sit on the curb of the sidewalk thinking of how Sam and I just broke up. I knew I shouldn't have kissed Jc back, but it felt right in some kind of way. I suddenly see the lights to Jc's car and I get in.


We finally arrive back to the o2l house, but before I go in I wipe off all the tears and try to get the running mascara off my face. I put on a fake smile and walk in like nothing happened.

"Oh em gee Allie! Where were you?" I see Lexi run up to me.

"Oh I just went to take a walk." I hold back a tear at the brim of my eye thinking of Sam.

"Yeah right. I know you to well now tell me the real deal."

"I can't not here. Maybe tomorrow we'll hang out at your new house!" I try to sound excited.

"Okay!" Lexi hugs me and goes to get some Dr. Pepper it's her favorite. Like Sam's.



I wake up in my room and remember Kian dropping me off after we helped clean up the party. I felt like shit every hour that passed and passed by. I wish I had Sam next to me. I try to think of the good things yesterday like the fact that Lexi is going to be near me everyday and how the cake was our favorite flavor: chocolate. I still haven't told anyone about Sam and I's breakup. But today is a new day. I have to think positive. I hear my phone vibrate and I know it's Lexi.

From: Lexi👑

Hey how's my bestie?




😦Are we still going out so you can tell me why...😦

Dammit I was really hoping she would forget.

To: Lexi👑

I don't have the energy... Can you come over? Kian is just packing and my parents are at work.


Kk. I'll be over in 30 mins.

I read the text and put my phone down.

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