Chapter 1- New World

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Tord's Pov

I was watching all the land speed by and me and my Dad's were going to our new house then I heard My Father(Patryk) say "Hey Tord are you listening to me?" I broke from my thoughts and sighed then I responed with "N-no, sorry lost in thought. C-can you repeat whachya said?" I could hear his groan then he said "For one Tord stop stuttering please,for two I said 'are you exited for the new home, new school and new everything?'' I looked at my Father and mumbles "Yea sure whatever" then Paul budded in and said "Tord Larrson...speak to us with respect! we are your fathers." I just roll my eyes and continue looking out the window at the road, we stop at a gas station to get some gas  just sit in the car and look out the window when out of no where my Dad(Paul) tapped the glass I jump screaming "Faen te deg!" then in the background I can hear Patryk yell "Language Tord!" Then I open the door and mutter "What?" Paul just smiled grabbed my wrist which really hurt for reasons, Then when we are at what he wanted to show me and it was a field of flower's and I just looked up at him confused and said "Ok bye." I then went back to the car and went on my phone and started read Hentia then Paul looked at what I was looking at and yelled into my ear "WHAT DID I SAY!!!" I wince and glare at him, then Patryk said "Back on the road boy's lets go!" I got into the car and then I was off onto my new home.

*Time Skip brought to you by Paul's Eyebrows(SOOOO FLOOFIE)*

"WE ARE HERE!" I heard Patryk yell I looked at the house and sighed then I got out and then I heard Paul yell "Hey Tord, why don't you go say hi to the neighbors go make a friend" I groan and go to the house next to us and ring the door bell, The door swung open and I jumped cause it startled me, I saw a boy with brown hair and a green hoodie like mine exept mine was red, he then said "Hey I'm Edd! Why are you here?" I just panicked then said "I-I'm T-Tord and I'm your-your new neighbor." Edd just stared at me and then said "Where are you from and I like your accent." I just smiled and say "Thanks and Norway!" Edd then smiled and said "Cool, so why are in America" I looked down then said "S-So my parents can get married" Edd then stepped out and said "Where are they I would love to meet them Tord" I then look over at my dad's and said "O-Ok follow me" I then walk over to my parent and say "I-I made a friend his name is E-Edd and he said he w-would love to m-meet you too." Patryk smiled then said "Tord calm down, It's ok." I just nod then grab Edd's arm and bring him over to my parents he then said "Hey I'm Edd" I saw Patryk smile then say "Hi Edd, I'm Patryk and This is Paul we are Tord's parents!" I looked at Edd and saw his eye's widden and then he said "You parent's are gay!" I just nod my head he then yelled "OH MY GOSH THAT IS SO COOL!" I just smile then he gives me a piece of paper with his phone number on it and I was so happy I made a friend and he lives next door.

*The next day*

Tord's PoV (still...sry!)

I get up to my annoying alarm and get ready for school when I am about to put on my hoodie I just stared at my wrist's and I guess I took too long because Paul barged in and then he saw my wrist's and rushed over then he looked at me and yelled "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN DOING THIS, AND WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU ATE?" I just stare at him while I was shaking I then said "I-I s-started in...uh-um 6th gr-grade." He then said "ok, we are now checking that everyday...ok back to eating, when was the last time you ate you are so thin" I just looked at him then said "a-a's ago." I whisper the last part and he grab's my arm and drag's me down stairs and makes me sit down, he hands me some toast and I just take a few bite's and then say "I-I gotta go to schoo-school...bye see-see you later." He then nods then say's "I'm telling Patryk just so you know." I just nod and leave the house.

When I got to the bus stop I just sat down and waited for Edd then I saw him running and I smile and say "H-Hey Edd." I then see someone behind him then Edd said "Tord, This is Matt boyfriend." I just wave at him and Matt says "Your Todd right, It is so nice to meet you!" I just smile, the bus came and we got on, then at a later stop I saw kid with no eye's and he came to my seat and asked "Hey Newbie...can I sit here" My face turned red and I just nodded and he sat down next to me and I just looked away trying to hid my blushing face he then started talking with Edd and Matt and just sat there being very uncomfortable, luckily we got to school before I totally embarrass myself, we all got off and I had to get to the office and get my schedule, when I got I went back to Edd and Matt and I saw the cute boy sitting there I then walked over and sat down then Said "H-Hey I'm T-Tord and y-you are?" He just looked at me then said "Tom" I smiled and said "Here" and I gave him my number he just started at me then said "so Newbie, Where ya from?" I then say "N-Norway." He just nod's and puts earbuds in and just listen's to music, I just went on my phone and read fanfiction till the bell rang, I look at my Schedule and my first class was gym and I went there and was about to change when I remembered my cut arms and skinny body I then just put on the short's and left on my hoodie and went into the gym where I saw Edd,Matt and Tom. Damn he is so cute, don't think like that you barely met him and Paul would kill you if you date someone I was broken from my thoughts with Edd's hand on my shoulder then He said "Hey Tord you ok?" I just nodded and we walked around the Gym till the teacher told us to run and I accidentally Ran into someone and they said "Hey it's the New freak!" I just glare at them then say "Drit og Dra." Then the man Pushed me to the Ground and said "What did ya just say to me Punk." I just smirked and said "OH..just to FUCK OFF!" Then he punched me in the nose and it started bleeding so I punched him in the gut and he tackled me and punched me over and over again till the teacher dragged him off of me I just sat there till Edd said "You should go to the nurse" I just nodded and tryed to get up but when I did I almost fell then Edd wrapped my arm around his shoulder and help me to the nurse when We got there she...of course called my Dad's.

Patryk's PoV

I was working at the cafe when Paul rushed in and Yelled "We gotta go to the school now!" I just stared at him then sighed and asked "What did he do?" Paul then responed with "Nothing, he got hurt though!" I started to panick then I told my boss my son got hurt and left with my husband to the school to help our son.

When we got there we went to the nurse, I saw a beaten, bruised Tord sitting there hanging his head low then I asked "Tord, what happened" he looked away the started to explain" D-During gym I ran into s-someone on accident and th-they call m-me a freak and I t-told them ummmm I t-told them to Dri-Drit og Dra and then t-told them wha-what it meant and they punched my-my nose I-I punched their gu-gut and then they bea-beat me up." he tried to give a happy smile, then Paul said "Tord...for one don't tell people what you are saying just lie and for second are you ok!" He just nodded then he looked behind us and There stood Edd and two other boys, I said "Hey Edd, who are your friends?" Then he said "Oh, This is Matt my Boyfriend and This is Tom!" I looked at Tom and noticed a lot of peircings and no eye's, then I look at Tord who is staring at Tom...Blushing, yep he is  our child...too gay for his own good!

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