chapter twelve

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❝ I'm peeling my skin off my face, cause now I hate being safe. ❞
mad hatter by melanie martinez


Cheerful giggles and laughters all over the best school in Scotland, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But paleness was on the sixth Weasley's body when he got rejected by the Beauxbaton Champion, Fleur Delacour. Mostly all the boys who haven't found their date on the Yule Ball felt that very same paleness like Ronald Weasley.

"Poor guy," she mumbled while watching the other Gryffindors pull him away from the embarassing scene.

"Alice," she heard someone call her name. The brunette turned her heel to where she heard the voice as she saw a handsome man with a brown curly hair. But this time, she saw the young man, paler and more nervous than he could be when he is in the Tournament.

"Er, why are you this ㅡ "

Cedric gulped. "This is it,"

"This is what?"

"I'll ask Cho to be my partner,"

Alice gasped in disbelief. "What? How could you choose me over Cho?"

He chuckled. "And how could you choose Potter over me?"

The younger Diggory snorted. "Alright fine. Anyway, are you sure you can really confess to her today?"

"Alice, the Yule Ball is bloody near. I really need a date. You know, sort of a requirment for us?"

"Wow. You're telling me that you haven't ask her out yet?"

"I don't have the enough courage."

"For the love of Salazar, you slayed a fucking dragon!"

"But the dragon and is so far different from a girl."

"Oh, you're being so dramatic."

"Look, I am not like you, Ally. You can just drag boys on just simple words because they get scared of you."

"Hey that's not true!"

He raised an eyebrow. "Really now?"

Alice sighed. "Maybe a bit. Well only works for Crabbe and Goyle and the other lower years." As she rolled her eyes. "Fine! I'll help you out."

Not believing all these since she knew that a lot of girls like her brother, even one of her friends, Daphne Greengrass despite of them being a halfblood.

"So how do I ask her out?" She can hear panic from his voice.

"Like this." Alice held his hand and then look into his eyes. "Cho, please come with me in the Yule Ball. See? It's not that hard."

Cedric took a deep breath. "No, I can't."

"Why can't you?"

"W-what if she doesn't like me?"

"Wow, if I didn't became your sister. I'll probably fall for you! Look at those girls." Alice pointed a group of girls from Beauxbatons and Hogwarts all staring at Cedric, waiting for her to leave him and ask him for the ball. "One of them will sooner or later ask you if you didn't ask Cho. Now tell me, who is stupid enough not to fall for you?"

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