Suddenly I found myself making conversation with him.

"Good morning Jason."

I said cheerfully

"Morning BabyG." He chirped back.

Happy Jason! FINALLY!

And then the convo stopped hmmmm. I had been wondering for a while. it had been at least a week since Jazzy had come over. I should have taken my plan into action but I have now 3 guards instead of 5.

Which is well, as good as it gets.

"Where's jazzy?" I found myself asking him.

"She's gone. She's no longer with us..." He whispered.

And in that moment I swear to the lords I almost flipped a cheeseburger.

"What!?!" I found myself shouting.

"I meant she's out of the country with-" then he cut himself off.

"*Cough* *cough* justin" he murmured.

"Who?" I asked.

"*Coughs* Justin"

He murmured but this time a little louder.


I was teasing him now.

"Justin. " he said in a firm voice.

"Justin? As in Justin Bieber?" I asked in shock.

"No, Justin Timberlake, thanks captain obvious." He rolled his eyes.

"Your welcome Sargent Sarcasm. But you do realize there is No need for the sarcasm. " I replied to him shaking my head at his stupidity. I knew who he was, hell he was all I thought about, I was just making sure.

"Who would I be if there wasn't any? Willy wanka? Charlie from the chocolate factory? Peter pan?Hell no." I rolled my eyes at his choice of words.

"Hey but at least you'd be Johnny depp." I joked trying to lighten the mood.

"Now THAT I would tap." I added.

"Mkay mrs. Tap everyone but Jason." Joked Jason.

"Your so optimistic." I glanced at him while pouring myself some cereal.

"Thanks. Your so pessimistic." He mocked at me.

"Just doing my job." I replied happily.

"Well stop." I laughed at that. Since when did he control what I did. That was right, Never.

"No thanks. I like seeing you annoyed." I Teased him some more.

"I would like to see you-" I cut him off by glaring at him so hard, I'm sure people who weren't in the room felt my anger. I didn't like this Jason, it annoyed me. I'm pretty sure he was gonna force me to sleep with him. Like hell I would go down without putting up a fight!

"If you continue that sentence I will leave this room and go to the living room to watch a documentary on turtles having turtle sex." That probably sounded way better in my head than out loud huh? Oh well.

He gave me the look like I had just told him I was leaving to Venezuela with a dog named kitty who was impregnated by a rat named puppy and that I was going to visit my fiancé at chez Hippos.

He gave me an incredulous look.

What? Too much?

He finally sighed and mumbled "I sure know how to pick them."

Why Me? | Book I | Jason McCann |Where stories live. Discover now