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(i want to make one thing very clear,
and that is that i love you.)

you were the one who told me the truth.

you were the one who kept me from death when
it was nothing but the blade and my skin.

you were the one who hugged me the night
before it all exploded, just because
i asked you too. and you didn't mind.

you were the one who understood that insanity
is sometimes just what we are.
you would have opened the door to me and four in the morning,
and that's only the start.

you were the one who offered to sell me
a feild of doors
for the price of my soul
(or for one bag of french fries)
while we were hanging around backstage.

you were the one who snuck up behind the curtains with me
so that i could listen to basket case and
watch the opening scene
and you didn't honestly
seem to mind the fact that
our bodies were touching.

you were the one
who completely understood why "flower power"
was an appropriate cheer for drama club
and didn't mind sitting in the middle of
a circle of girls.

you were the one with the crazy grin
and the laughing eyes
and the skinny arms that waved around when you
got too confused.

you were the one who looked at me that one night
where we both mirrored the other's grin
and i started to fall in love.

you were the one who i let put their arms around my neck
to try and tie my bow tie, that one day in rehearsal.

you were the one who turned me down.

(i want to make one thing very clear,
and that is that i love you.)

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