Our Fate - MM!LinkxReader

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[Pretty much fitting song]

You saw him just stand there. With his back turned to you.
The wind blew, making his blonde hair and the green hat move.

...he was wearing something... something on his face.

A mask...
...A cursed mask.

The heart-shaped one. The one which was made to destroy.
The boy finally seemed to notice you. He turned to you.

- ...(Y/N)? - he said quietly... like a cry for help. - (Y/N), look. I... can be the villian now.

...you did not fully understand these words. But you took one step forward, shouting at the boy that it's not him. Shouting out his name. Shouting to wake up...
...but he did not listen. He chuckled, as he took off the cursed mask, not even opening his eyes.

- You see, (Y/N)... With this... I can destroy and build a new world. Isn't it just stupid? I came back in time, I-... I got back, then DIED. ...Can you understand how it feels to die?

You kept your eyes on him, worried.
"What are you doing, Link..?" - you whispered quietly to yourself.
He chuckled.
- I decided not to obey anymore. This world's unfair. I didn't have my childhood and died quickly in my adulthood. Why? To teach an IDIOT how to defeat Ganondorf... and he didn't accept the last technique. Yet, somehow, the fate gave me another chance... and I got back here. I stole the mask before Skullkid did.
- ...But for what?! - you asked. - To destroy everything?! Everything everyone worked up so hard to?! Weren't you supposed to be the hero?!

...the boy began laughing.

- (Y/N), You-...you're truly funny! "Everyone worked up so hard to"? Don't make me laugh. I'VE worked up to it all. If I didn't exist, it'd all be taken away by the moon and the child of Lost Woods. And if I'd appear... everything I'VE worked up so hard to would just disappear. I've seen it. Many times.
- But-... but do you really wanna destroy the homes of people you love?!
- ...love? I don't KNOW these people! And I can't even get back to people I really knew and loved! I lost Navi, I lost Saria, I-... I lost my family, (Y/N)! How would you feel?!
- I-
- ...Hush. - he interrupted you and walked closer. - Now... before I destroy this cruel world and build my own... without Ganondorf... without Triforce... but with only the power of Majora's mask...

...He did something unexpected. He grabbed your chin... and kissed you, right in the lips... making you remember what was happening before all that happend. Before Link decided to take the power and build a new world. Before he wore the mask.

[Time to change the song guys~]

The blue sky surronded you on a field, filled with flowers.

You chased the boy, playing catch with him.

You reminded yourself of all your good times...

Watching the sunset with him...

Playing lots of games...

Having long walks...


Saying, you're always gonna be together...

But then... it all ended in the day the Great Deku Tree send Link on a "mission" ...

As you got back your memories, you reminded yourself one more thing...

...how he never came back.

And as the Kokiri you were, you couldn't leave the forest...
You felt tears which flew from your eyes, falling down on the boy's arm. He hugged you, as you noticed the mask lying on the grass.
- ...I'm tired, (Y/N). - he said, brushing through your hair. I wish everything could just die... so that we can go to a better place.
- ...but... you're worried that the gods won't accept you in heaven?

- ...Yeah. But if just the two of us die at the same time... will it count?

- ...dunno. - you replied, quietly... smiling. - But who cares about the god after all you've been through?

He let out a chuckle.

- Surely not me.
...Soon, you felt him tightening his grip around you, as you heard him sob.
- ...(Y/N)... thank you for remembering... I still can't believe you followed me here to this cursed place...
- ...No problem, Link... thank you for being with me. - you said, as more tears flew down your cheeks.
- (Y/N)... could you tell me one more thing..?

- Yes... go on.

- ...why did you come out of the forest?


- Why..?


- Because I love you, Link. I don't care that I'm dying right now.
...You felt his grip tighten even more, as he cried. You petted him, just to try and give him some comfort.

Yet, you couldn't even feel your legs anymore.

You were disappearing.

But you didn't mind that.

Because you love him.

TheLegendOfZeldaxReader One-shots!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora