When she said "Thank You"... - Child! Half-Wolf! TP LinkxReader

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You were sitting in front of Your village, near the forest. It was really calm... You loved to play Your ocarina here. Sitting on a tree trunk, playing "Lost Woods" and watching a sky covered with gray clouds. It looked almost like if it was about to rain... but it wasn't happening too often.


You heard something. You stood up and looked around You. You noticed that something was moving in the bushes... You felt like You should run, but... it also felt like something was telling You to stay. You decided to see what's hiding there.

It was a... wolf... boy...?

He jumped to You. He had cute, blue eyes, wolf's ears and tail and he was wearing some kind of raiment... he also had some bandages on himself. The wolf boy barked at You happily.

You looked at him shocked... What kind of creature is that? Why is it half human-half animal...? Or are these ears and tail just some kind of accesories? You were just... standing here and looking at him. He sat down politely and looked at You.

- Barf! Can You play that song again, Miss Human?

- H-huh?! ...I... uh... Y-you mean... this? - You played this song again for him. He was now blushing and smiling cutely.

- Wow! Miss Human've got a REAL talent to play that... thing! - he pointed at Your ocarina. - Can You teach me?! Can You? Can You? Can You?! - he was jumping around You and repeating that question.

You decided to... ask him some questions.

- Before I'll teach You... I'd like to know something! - You said.

- What is it, Miss Human? - he asked.

- Where are You from...? I-I mean some kind of village or something?

- I am from there! - he pointed at the bushes.

- ...bushes? - You asked.

- Yeah! - the wolf boy smiled at You, grabbed Your hand and pulled You into those bushes.

...He wasn't lying... There was a weird secret enterance! You fell into a tunnel, then... You were there? Kind of. You were unable to keep Your eyes open. You just kind of saw a tunnel... then were out of it and... then You saw houses, a river... a whole village. It was even smaller than Yours, but it was very pretty. The houses were covered in vines, flowers were... well, blooming. You could see flowers in every shade of every color. It was like a true fairy tale! There were even fairies! You were looking at all of this shocked. How can THAT beautiful place even exist?! It could last forever, but the wolf boy started repeating his question again.

- So, Miss Human! Can You teach me now? Can You? Can You?! Please!

- I-... Just... how... and... wait! This is Your home?!

- Yes!

- ...Can You give me a little tour around it? Please..? - You asked the wolf boy. He smiled, grabbed Your hand and gave You the tour around his village.

- These are plants that I planted yesterday! These vegetables were planted by my dad! These ones... - he stopped and looked at a little, tiny piece of land... it barely had anything on it... no grass, but just... one flower. A white rose.

You noticed that the boy is sad... You decided not to ask him anything and just cheer him up. He already had tears in his eyes, but You wiped them, smiled and said:

- Thank You for the tour... Little one! I... I can now teach You the song. - You smiled to him. He smiled back and immediately cheered up.

You were teaching him the "Lost Woods" song on a beautiful meadow with lots of yellow, blue, white and pink flowers, until... someone came.

- ...Link?

- Huh? Dad!! - the wolf boy shouted.

- Who is this woman...? I told You not to let any humans here...

- But she's good! She's a really good person! She taught me a song that's called "Lost Woods"! She! She...!

- Link. You can stop now. - a male smiled at Link and petted him. - So... what is Your name?

- I...uhm... I'm Y/N...

- Y/N. I'd like to ask You some questions... And give answers to Yours.

You nodded and got with "Link's" dad to their house.

After a little normal talk, You decided to ask:

- ...What is this piece of land without grass..?

- That... is a grave. Long ago, humans discovered this place... They tried to take it. They tried to kill all of our kind. Though... The Gods were on our side, but not completly. We were able to push the humans away, but... because someone killed a human... our village fell ill. The Gods didn't want to forgive us. The only ones left are... me and my son - Link.

- ...So... There are corpses of Your kind, right?

- Not only. There is one human body... a woman's body. She was the only one that tried to help us, but... our kind grew suspicious about her and one night - someone killed her. She... She was also my wife. I might not have ears or a tail, but I've got only blood of our kind. Weird isn't it..? - the man giggled. - Y/N. I... I've got a request for You. I am weak and... - the man stopped talking. - Link... Please, go play with fairies for a while, alright?

- Okay dad! - Link shouted happily.

- Like I said... - the man continued. - I am weak and I might die soon. I'd like You to take care of Link.

- M-me...? I-I'd love to take care of Your son, but... I'm not worth it! I don't even know how to raise wolf children! I-

- Y/N. I am sure that You can do it. You are the only kind human that I've ever met... Just like my wife. - he said and smiled. - Could You... take care of Link for a moment? I have to do something.

- I-if it's just a moment... - You looked down, kind of stressed out. When he left, You decided to go out and see what is Link doing. He... He was putting flowers on the lifeless ground.

- They... not all of them deserved that, did they? - he asked. You looked shocked at him and walked closer.

- Link... It must be sad, but... - You looked him in the eyes. - The Gods had their own reasons. You should look forward to Your future! - You tried to cheer him up, but... he started crying...! What were You supposed to do?! You hugged him tightly and said:

- F-forget what I just said!

- Y-Y/N...! - he sobbed out Your name. You had now tears in Your eyes too...! He's so cute... but... how can You cheer him up? Just how?!

... Suddenly...

The man came back. He looked shocked at You and Link, seeing that You're both crying.

- What... What happend...? - he asked quietly and went closer to hug You and his son. - Come on, children... No need to cry! Link, Your mother'd surely be mad at me if she saw us all now... Did I made both of You cry...?

- N-no..!! - You and Link sobbed out.

You... when You stopped crying that much, You could see someone. It was a woman, standing behind the man with a smile. She giggled and whispered to You:

"Thank You for taking care of my son and husband, Y/N."

TheLegendOfZeldaxReader One-shots!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon