Reading Glasses

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Lance would never admit it. Never ever in a zillion years. He would never, ever say the words out loud. Especially when he was around.

But Keith 'I read a new book every other day' Kogane, used reading glasses, and he looked adorable in them.

Lance sighed, his arms wrapped around his boyfriends waist. The two were rocking in their hammock in between their two trees on a sunny summers day, in the backyard of the house they'd bought in the previous year. Birdsong and the chatter of squirrels broke through the hazy air cheerfully, along with the quiet whispers the trees brought whenever a breeze filtered through them.

Keith was reading his new book. He was halfway done and he'd just gotten it yesterday. He adjusted his glasses a little, making them glitter in the sunlight that leaked through the branches above them.

"It's a waste of money if you're gonna just finish it in an hour or so." Lance had whined as Keith walked into a bookstore.

"Correction: In a day." Keith said. "And what if I want to reread it?"

"Just go to a library!"

"And if it isn't available? Would you rather have me sulking around with nothing to do all day?" Keith countered.

Lance let out a sigh of defeat. "You're impossible."

"I know you are, but what am I?"

Lance could almost hear Pidge's voice shout 'R-ROASTED!'. He frowned at the thought. He spent too much time with the ex-green paladin.

"Not cool, man." Lance said after a moment.

"Wow." A chuckle bubbled from the pale boys throat, which Lance couldn't help but grin to. "That's all you've got?"

"Shut up." Lance scratched the back of his neck.

That was yesterday, a memory he looked back on fondly. A memory when Keith actually paid attention to him and was not reading another damned book.

Keith's head slowly fell back onto Lance's chest, angling the book so he could read a little more comfortably. Keith's dark grey-purple eyes met Lance's sea blue ones for a moment, before returning to his page.

Lance couldn't help but smile. They'd defeated Zarkon, a very evil purple dude who was bent on conquering the universe, just over three years ago. Every anniversary of the day of defeat, the paladins of Voltron meet up and went out to do things together. Whether it be going to the arcade or going for dinner.

Lance saw the gleam of the silver ring on Keith's finger as he moved to turn the page.

Last anniversary, Lance proposed to Keith. They were now engaged, and were planning to get married on the next anniversary.

One year of engagement was too long for Lance. Keith was way too patient sometimes. Lance spoke often about how excited he was for Keith to marry him, and the black haired boy would just hum and nod along, listening.

"Hey, Keith." Lance said, his hands moving and linking together over the boy's stomach.

"Mm." Keith hummed, letting Lance know that he was indeed listening. He flipped a page, making his ring gleam again.

"What'cha reading?" Lance shifted slightly, pulling Keith more into him. Lance let his leg slide off the hammock, and began slowly rocking them by pushing the ground with his foot.

"I've told you this ten times in the past hour, Lance." Keith mumbled.

"Tell me again. I forgot." Lance murmured in the boys ear, letting his hands unclasp themselves and move in slow, rhythmic circles on Keith's sides.

Lance had to admit that he was just doing this so Keith could fall asleep. Lance just wanted to cuddle Keith without him complaining about it. It was cute, though, when Keith would try and fight against Lance's cuddle attacks and ultimately fail due to Lance's awesomeness.

"You said that last time. And the time before that. And the time before that." Keith sighed, tearing his eyes away to look up at Lance.

Lance frowned down at his fiancé. Keith let out a defeated sigh. "A Brief History of Time, by Steven Hawking."

"Sounds boring." Lance muttered, letting his chin rest on Keith's head.

"You're boring." Keith shot back.

"That hurt, man."

"It was supposed to hurt." Keith said bluntly, returning to his book.

"Ouch." Lance muttered.

He noticed that his massaging was taking affect. The mix of the touch and the warmth of both him and the sun brought Keith into a drowsy state of mind. Lance could feel it in the way he leaned more heavily onto him, and he could see it by how sloppily he flipped the page.

Finally, Keith cracked, letting out a small yawn. It took all of Lance's willpower not to yawn too.

"Is someone sleepy?" Lance asked softly.

"You're doing this." Keith accused.

"What if I am?" Lance didn't stop, even when Keith shifted a little. Lance knew Keith liked it from a conflicted gleam in his dark eyes.

"I hate you." Keith sighed. "I was going to go out to buy a new book in a bit."

"We can do that tomorrow." Lance suggested. "Just you and me."

"It's always 'just you and me'." Keith muttered, glaring up at Lance after carefully marking his page and setting down the book.

"Would you have it any other way?" Lance gave him a flirtatious smile, though a tired one.


Lance chuckled. "Nah." He echoed in amusement.

Keith grinned. Oh god, that might've killed Lance just right there. He felt his cheeks warm up into a noticeable blush. Thankfully, Keith didn't comment on it.

There was a few drawling minutes of silence, though it was comforting. They listened to the chatter of the animals and the rustling of leaves, enjoying each other's presence.

Lance saw how far they'd come. Keith hadn't been a touchy kind of person, only allowing a clap on the shoulder or the shake of a hand, occasionally a hug if the need came. And now, he was willingly lying in Lance's arms without a second thought, and that pierced Lance's heart in the most amazing way.

"Hey, Keith." Lance said, his hands still massaging him and his foot still rocking them.

"What now?" It was obvious that Keith was almost asleep.

"You look really nice in reading glasses."

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