19. Girl Meets Over Night Guest

Start from the beginning

"Daddy it's the truth I swear, and usually you come to tell him to go home too," she said pleading with him to understand.

"Cory," her mother said taking her father's hand. "Go to the meeting I'll handle this, I don't have to be at court until ten."

"But Topanga," he whined.

"Go now, you're still a new teacher there so go."

"Fine," he said storming off only to come back. "I'll deal with you later missy."

Once he was gone her mother looked at her and smiled. "I believe you Riley," she said before sitting down. "I think I was so wrapped up in work last night that I forgot to check in on you, but I know that Lucas is a good kid, and that you two wouldn't do anything wrong."

"I'm sorry we fell asleep," Riley said as she sat at the bay window. "A lot has happened in the last few days, and I guess we've been a little over worked."

"Do you want to hear a story?"

"Sure, why not."

"When your father and I were freshmen in high school, Mr. Turner assigned us a project about the modern day views of sex and love, and so your father and I started working on a documentary. Except we fell asleep at school and ended up staying there overnight," her mother laughed at the memory. "Of course everyone thought we did something we didn't but we didn't do anything at all. Of course your father was now considered a god, which made me angry and I yelled at him and told him we wouldn't be friends anymore. Your grandfather Alan made him realize that friendship was more important than popularity. So to apologize to me he told the truth in the documentary and we became friends again."

"But we didn't fall asleep at school," Riley said when her mother finished.

"No but I don't think your father would like to be reminded of that incident," her mother smiled at her. "He likes to let you think that he never did anything that you are doing now, so maybe you should remind him."

Riley couldn't help but smile at what her mother was saying, she had given her a gem of a story, and a lesson for her father wrapped up all in one.

"Thanks mom," she said smiling. "And I promise from now on I'll put an alarm on my phone for when Lucas has to leave so this won't happen again."

"Good, now get ready for school while I start on breakfast."


Lucas rushed home only to find the place empty, he couldn't figure out why until he got to the kitchen and saw a note from his parents reminding him that they had gone away on an extended weekend for their anniversary. He realized that he wasn't in trouble, but he knew that he had to do the right thing regardless, Riley had taught him that.

He got ready for school as quickly as possible before rushing off to school, he didn't want to be late on top of doing something so incredibly stupid. When he walked up the stairs he was pulled aside by Farkle and Zay and pushed into the nearest bathroom. Farkle and Zay made sure that they were the only ones inside before locking the door and looking at him. Farkle looked mad at him, while Zay looked at him like he had done something amazing.

"What is going on?" Lucas said looking at his two friends.

"There's a rumor going around school," Zay said smiling. "That you and Riley did something."

"They're saying you two had sex," Farkle said without the innuendos that Zay had been throwing around. "Is it true?"

"Of course not, where did you hear that from?" Lucas asked but looked over at Zay after the words came out of his mouth.

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