21. Girl Meets Talent

Start from the beginning

"Well that's what I want to talk to you about but well," she said pointing at the chase happening behind them.

"He always thinks the worse of everything," Auggie said smiling at her. "I think daddy's afraid of Lucas taking you away," he whispered to her.

"Cory come sit down before you die from chasing Lucas around," her mother said looking exasperated with her husband. "You forget that he's an athlete."

"Fine... but... only... because... I... can't... breathe...," he said before plopping himself on his chair trying to catch his breath.

Riley pulled Lucas towards the bench seat that Maya usually occupied when she was over, as her family looked at her.

"Okay Riley," her mother said looking at her. "Explain this contract."

"Wait...," her father said slowly trying to suck air back into his lungs. "What... contract?"

"I wanted to talk to you about something I've been doing for a while," Riley said smiling at them. "Remember back in January during the bullying incident?" The all nodded at her, Lucas taking her hand to calm her nerves down. "Well Lucas sent me a link to this website for teens and people who were going through a hard time to find comfort from others... and well I looked through the website and found a link to their main site, and well... um... they were asking for articles from regular people, and I wrote to them. So for the last couple of months I've sent them a couple of articles and stories for them to publish."

"You're a published writer," her mother said surprise in her voice.

"Yes, for the website, and well I write under another name because... well a lot of what I write about is personal and I don't want it to get back to anyone I know."

"What name do you use?" Lucas asked looking at her.

"Well the last name is Lawrence," she said smiling at her mother. "The first name is Violet."

"The purple cat," he said smiling at her, while she nodded at him.

"Is it alright if we read some of your writing?" her mother said to her.

Riley nodded smiling at her mother. "It's alright, but remember a lot of it is things that are well in the past but I wrote it to give others the chance to look at it and remember to find the good in life when everything seems to be going really bad. I also wrote fashion articles, and make up articles on samples they've sent me."

Her parents nodded knowing that Riley had gone through so much, "So the contracts are for?" her mother asked. Riley knew that the lawyer was coming out of her.

"Well I got a call from the editors a few days ago, and they want me to start writing an online Dear Abby column, and an article a month for their magazine. But this is up to you because I need your permission to do it."

"So why is Lucas here?" her father asked.

"Well since he was the one who gave me the link, I figured he deserved to know before everyone else does," she said smiling at Lucas. "It's only fair."

Her mother stood up and walked over to her and gave her a big hug, Riley was surprised by the sudden affection since she wasn't done talking but she was happy to have her mother's arms around her.

"I'm so proud of you Riley," her mother said not letting go. Soon enough the rest of the Matthews clan came over and hugged her too. The four of them embraced until Riley pulled back.

"What the hell," her father said smiling. "Come on Lucas," he said pulling the green eyed boy into the embrace. "Thank you, for taking care of my daughter... even if I don't show it all of the time, I'm glad you two met."

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