13. Girl Meets Texas Lucas

Start from the beginning

"Doesn't matter, because you don't deserve any of it," Missy said stepping up to the two of them.

"You don't deserve Lucas, he doesn't belong to you," Emily said standing on the other side.

Or I'm gonna put my foot in your weird, stupid face.

"Are you going to beat me up like you promised in middle school? Because violence is never the answer, what you've been doing is just as bad because you wanted to put me down but all you did was make me stronger."

Riley took a step forward until she was standing as close as possible, she could feel her heart racing and her mind screaming for her to run away but she didn't.

"I'm not going to change, I'm not going to stop loving people, I'm not going to stop being with Lucas all because you want to bring me down, all because you want him. I just want to live my life and be happy."

Riley could tell that the longer she talked, the more Missy and Emily stepped away, they weren't going to break her and they knew it.

"If you keep going like this, I'm going to take everything I have and give it to the principal, if he doesn't do anything I'll give it to my Uncle Jon who is the superintendent of schools, he would just give it to the police and where would you be?"

"You wouldn't dare," she said standing face to face, pulling Riley closer by the collar of her coat. "I know you wouldn't because you don't want anyone hurt, you always want to save everyone, while all I've wanted to do is punch you."

"You're right, I like to see the best in people, and I know somewhere deep inside of you that person is waiting for you to let go of all of this hate and anger you have over me. Hate that you yourself created only because I'm different from you. We're all broken in some way, but some of us find a way to pick up the pieces and live with them, we find ways to cope until we can let go, we cry and scream and throw things. But the minute you unleash it on someone else and you hurt them you've committed a crime against your own heart."

"Oh stop talking already you're pissing me off," she said slamming Riley against the wall. "I don't care what you think, I could be broken a million times but I still don't like you."

"Who hurt you?" was all Riley asked but she didn't get an answer. All she saw was a raised fist, before she closed her eyes. She was scared not for herself but for this girl who had put so much energy into hating one person.

"Not so fast," Riley heard her father's voice as the weight of the girl was pulled away from her. Riley opened her eyes to see her father and the principal standing in the hole with them.

"You three my office now," the principal said as he walked away. "Miss Matthews I want to see you in the office with your official statement in the morning," his voice said as he was followed by the three girls who had thought it fit to torment her.

Riley could feel her limbs turn to jelly as he friends all made their way towards her, she knew she could be strong from anyone else, but this took all the strength out of her. Lucas was on one side of her while Maya and Farkle kneeled down on the other side.

"You did it Riles," Maya said as she hugged her. "You're your own hero."

"Maya," Riley said as she hugged her friend back. The tears began to fall soon after. "Can we get some ice cream today."

Maya laughed as she said it. "If you promise to eat it and not put it on my face then yeah we can have some ice cream."

"I want chocolate," Riley said holding onto her best friend. "Two scoops."

"Okay, anything you want," she said in her ear.

Lucas and Farkle both laughed as Zay sat down on the steps looking at the four of them.

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