Riley didn't want to hear them anymore, they were talking about everything she had thought she had put behind herself years before. That's when she realized what was happening was worse than when she had been bullied in middle school. She thought about the paint on her jeans, the notes in her locker, and everything in between. She thought how even after dating Lucas for a year, people still thought that Maya was the better person for him. She thought about almost losing her friends the first day of high school all because she wanted to believe in others. Everything in her mind was mixed up and jumbled together, she didn't want to think anymore, she just wanted some time alone to sleep.

Instead she got up when the girls had left and washed her face before making her way to her father's class. Her friends sat in their seats, talking and laughing about something. Had they noticed that she wasn't in the room, she thought to herself. She watched as Maya grabbed Lucas by the shirt and sneered at him, as Zay laughed at their interaction, as Farkle tried to pull them apart. Her head was spinning.

"Riley, take your seat," her father said but for some reason it felt distant as her ears roared with the rush of her blood. Everything was falling apart in Rileytown.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket, with another message from her tormentors, but she ignored it she stopped listening to everyone. All she wanted was quiet. That's when she felt the world tilt in front of her, as her body finally gave out. The last thing she heard was Lucas calling out for her as she fell to the floor.


Lucas couldn't believe what was happening, Maya had gone up to him making fun of him and he didn't want to deal with her. He was worried about Riley, he knew something was wrong by how tired she looked. She had fallen asleep in class which was not something she normally did. She looked tired, but he knew they were all tired. The regents exams were coming up and they were the most difficult set of test out of the whole year because they determined whether you moved forward in school. Riley took them seriously, like everything else when it came to her grades, because she wanted to get into a good college with a scholarship, but he wondered if she had gone too far.

"Maya let go," he said giving up he didn't want to deal with the blonde in front of him. He wanted to talk to Riley about not stressing out about a test but instead of letting him go Maya just pulled him closer.

"No, because you threw something at me," she said, but he wasn't the one who did it. Zay was trying to get the blonde's attention and threw the paper but when she turned around she just looked at Lucas like he was the one who did it.

In the distance her heard Mr. Matthews telling Riley to take a seat, and Lucas automatically turned to see his girlfriend in the door looking more tired than she did earlier. Lucas tried to pry Maya's fingers off of him to go to Riley. He needed to talk to her more than anything, but then he saw her eyes get all glassy before she started to crumble to the ground.

"Riley," he called out to her pushing Maya aside and rushing to the front of the room. Kneeling down next to Riley he tried to wake her but she didn't wake up. Her face looked sunken in, like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. He was afraid that it was all because of a stupid test. Maya kneeled next to him looking at Riley then back at Lucas with a look on her face saying why was this happening. Farkle looked at the three of them on the floor and noticed that Riley's phone had slid out of her pocket. It buzzed in the genius' hand and Lucas looked up to see the horrified look on his friend's face.

"Mr. Friar, can you take her to the nurse's office," Mr. Matthews said, Lucas looked up and saw the worried look on his girlfriend's face and nodded.

Lucas picked Riley up gently not wanting to wake her up, and held her close as he walked out of the room. The murmurs of his classmates behind him, he knew they were talking about what was happening, and he didn't care he just wanted Riley to be taken care of. He wanted to make sure that she was taken care of. He could hear his friends in the distance but he just kept walking to the nurse's office without looking back.

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