17. Girl Meets Lucas' Memory

Start from the beginning

"Well," he started wondering where he should begin, so he decided to start at the beginning, "New Year's was the best and worst day of my life, well second to when you called me your brother in Texas because I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend and you... well you know..." he took a deep breath trying to reconcile his feelings for something that had happened so long ago. "Anyway, being stuck between you and Maya was bad, but not as bad as losing you completely. I mean I liked Maya but it was more of a sibling rivalry, but it wasn't what I was feeling for you, but I only did it because it was what you wanted."

She couldn't look him in the eye and he knew that she was thinking about other things. "How did you feel when I went out with Charlie?" she said after a minute.

"Honestly, it was like being kicked in the stomach repeatedly," he sighed before he took her hand. "I didn't like it Riley, it hurt but at the time I thought you honestly thought of us as siblings and I wanted to respect your feelings so I held back even though it was killing me from the inside."

"Sorry," she said.

"Riley, stop, everything that happened during that year was as much my fault as it was yours and Maya's, I should have fought harder but I was too preoccupied with making sure I made you happy that I forgot that my feelings mattered as well."

"That's what I'm afraid of," she said to him squeezing his hand. "Josh is going to fall apart, he says he's doing it because he wants Maya to be happy, because he doesn't want to hurt her and have her lose herself, but in the end she's already losing herself trying to act like she needs to move on."

"And in the end who is going to be hurt when everything comes out?"

"Zay, and I don't want him to get hurt."

"For Zay, I think he's had this crush on Maya for a while, but even he knows somewhere deep down that it's not what she feels for him. I think he knows how Maya feels about Josh but he wants that chance to prove himself."

"What are we going to do?"

"We could lock all three of them in a room until they admit their feelings," he said smiling. "It's what I wanted to do with you."

"You should have, we could have avoided a lot of things."

"We'll lock them in your room, we could have the windows locked, and prop your door with something so they won't get out."

"Okay," she said, but he saw how tired she was. "Let me get back to work, we can plan later."

"Okay," he said getting up. "I'm going to run home and grab some rope because we're going to fix this, even if I have to tie them to each other."


Riley worked until noon, only to have to stay when it started getting busy, for some reason they had a lot more people on a Saturday than usual. Lucas had stopped by to check on her, making sure to have her text Maya to meet her at the bay window at four before her date with Zay. He also told her that he had called Zay telling him to stop by her house to pick up something and that it couldn't wait. Riley asked Josh to come meet her at Topanga's and told him it was because her parents wanted him to come over for dinner. She felt bad for lying to all of them but she didn't want this to get as far as it did after Texas so she made sure that they were all there.

When she walked into her room after her shift, she saw Maya waiting at the bay window wearing jeans and a sweater. "Come on Riles I have to meet Zay in twenty minutes," she said looking at her phone to check the time.

"Just a minute," she said as she pushed Zay into the room, he was tied up thanks to Lucas.

"What the hell?" Zay said as he landed on her bed. Lucas had done the same trick he had done on Maya during her fourteenth birthday. Lucas was behind her with a tied up Josh who looked grumpier than he had when she saw him the night before when she saw him at the movies.

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