4. Girl Meets Sleepover

Start from the beginning

The three girls started with facials and the first movie, Cinderella, by the time they were done Smackle was relax and she was letting Maya paint her toe nails. They started on Maleficent, and Riley started to feel sleepy, she hadn't realized that running around all day had tired her out. Halfway through the movie she fell asleep dreaming about being a princess, saving the prince instead of the other way around.

Maya started laughing the moment she realized that Riley had fallen asleep. "See I told you," she said turning to Smackle. "She never lasts, the only time she has was when we marathoned Red Planet Diaries, and only because she really wanted to watch the finale after seeing all of the episodes."

"If she knew that she would be like this why did she plan this sleepover?" Smackle asked as Maya finished painting her toes.

"Riley's like that, she wants to have these normal moments even when she knows she'll pass out."

All of a sudden the boys faces popped up outside the window. "We're crashing your slumber party," Farkle said looking at the girls.

"Yeah, nice pj's by the way," Zay said as he climbed in. "Riley fell asleep, it's only eight that's a new record."

"Tell me about it," Maya said laughing. "And she sleeps like the dead so good luck waking her."

"Ah I have an idea," Zay said pulling Lucas into the room, making him sit next to Riley on the bay window.

"I don't want to do this," Lucas said feeling weird about being in the room while his girlfriend was sleeping even though he thought that she looked adorable.

Maya laughed before moving closer to pull the pillows away from Riley so that she was leaning on Lucas and not the pillows.

"Watch this," she said as she got closer to Riley's ear. "Hey Riley, it's me Lucas," she said in her best Lucas impression. "I want to be a veterinarian and I want to kiss you face."

Lucas' face was shocked as Maya said what he did until Riley's face reacted by making a kissy face, after the moment passed she said his name and snuggled closer to him. Lucas looked at his friends not knowing what to do.

"Lucas," Riley mumbled. "I really really like you."

He could feel his face heat up, and everyone else in the room noticed.

"His ears turn red when he's embarrassed," Zay said trying not to laugh. "I noticed it before but man it's really noticeable when Riley is around."

The four of them started laughing, it wasn't until Maya kicked Riley by accident that the sleeping girl woke up. "What's going on?" Riley said sleepily as she slowly noticed the boys had joined them.

"Riles you fell asleep," Maya said.

Riley moved away from Lucas embarrassed but not knowing why, she could feel her face heat up as though something had happened. Then she noticed all of the guys sitting around them and wondered why they were there in the first place.

Her door opened revealing her father, "Why do I hear..." he stopped as he noticed the boys in his daughter's room. "Get out," he said.

Lucas rushed out the window before Cory could take one of his shoes, but instead of stopping and yelling at the other boys he follows Lucas out the window and down the fire escape. He couldn't let go of the feeling that something happened in that room and Lucas was the cause so he chased him down the block, but being out of shape he stopped to take a breath and lost the boy. He went back home and walked through the front door as his wife sat down on the couch with some tea.

"Cory why are you out of breath?" she asked him as he plopped himself down on the couch trying to regain feeling in his legs.

"Boys..." he started as he tried to suck in some air, "In... Riley's... room... chased... Lucas... down... street..."

"Oh Cory, that boy is harmless, and why did you just chase Lucas, what about Farkle and Zay?"

"No... energy..."

Topanga couldn't help but laugh at her husband, he was overly protective of his daughter especially the moment she started having feelings for the boy.

"I'll take care of it," she said walking away.

As she reached her daughters room she could hear everyone laughing, but Riley would constantly tell them to stop. She walked in and saw everyone on the floor laughing at what had just happened but noticed that her daughter's face wasn't very happy. Once again Cory had done something but this time she had a feeling that it had interrupted a moment Riley and Lucas were having. She cleared her throat so that everyone would know she was standing in the doorway.

"I understand that you are all friends, but wasn't this a girls' sleepover?" she said watching the laughter die down.

"Sorry Mrs. Matthews," Maya said looking around at the group. "Alright boys out you go."

Zay got up and walked over to the window, Farkle gave Smackle a quick peck on the cheek before following. The girls waved them off before settling back into the bay window.

"Do I even want to know what happened?" Topanga said noting the look on her daughter's face.

"Riley talks in her sleep," Maya said trying not to laugh. "And sometimes she also reacts, especially when it comes to Lucas."

"She made a kissy face and told him how much she likes him," Smackle said automatically making Riley blush.

"Boys did this," Cory said joining his wife. "I don't like boys, why do they have to ruin everything."

"Come on Cory, let's go back downstairs so I can give you the talk about the birds and the bees, and how your daughter is doing the same things we did growing up," Topanga said pushing him out of the room while the girls giggled in the background. "Don't stay up too late girls."

"We won't mom," Riley said laughing, but as soon as her parents left she looked at her friends. "Did I really do that?"

"Yes, and it's not the first time you've done it either, but it's who you are," Maya said pulling her into a hug. "Just so you know when Ranger Rick is embarrassed his ears turn red."

"As red as your face when you're showing the same emotions," Smackle said.

Riley got up and jumped onto her bed trying to bury her head in all of her pillows. She thought about what they said, that she told Lucas that she really liked him, but he hadn't said anything back. But he didn't have a chance, considering her father chased him out of the room and down the block. She didn't want to have this talk over the phone so instead she decided to put it off until they had a moment alone with each other.

"Come on let's go to sleep," she said.

"No one more movie," Maya said as she settled on the bed with Riley's laptop, Smackle on the other side.

The three girls watched Alice in Wonderland before falling asleep next to each other, it had been a nice sleepover, but Riley knew that she had missed the most important part. Even if she was only honest while she was asleep. Another time, she thought to herself as she dreamed of Lucas smiling at her.

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